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Lindsay's POV.

*****Present time*****

I woke up feeling tired and for a moment wondered where I was. I looked around noticing navy blue curtains and black silk sheets on the king sized bed. Coming to a conclusion I was in Antony's room, I stay in the bed enjoying his scent on his silk sheets. The shower in the bathroom was running and I took my time stretching like a cat and yawning in the most unlady like manner.

"Well if I knew you would be yawning like an ogre, I would have stayed in the bathroom a little while longer, " A deep voice said infront of me. Antony stood with a white towel dangerously low on his waist. His hand clutching tightly onto it. Water from his wet hair dripped down his body in a delicious manner that had me following the trails they led towards his prominent 'v'. A clearing of a throat had me snapping back to reality and I blushed so hard I was sure my skin became darker than usual.
"If you are done violating me, " he begun with a chuckle and  I was quick to interrupt.
"Shut up, you should feel honored instead of violated, " I said cockily.
" so?" He asked with an inquisive brow.
"Yes. This eyes are gorgeous. Anyone would want them on their body, " I said smirking.
Antony chuckled and came so close to me on the bed I got a whiff of his lemon body wash.
"What if I want them on only me?" He asked huskily.
"Then I will answer you are the only man  I got eyes for,  " I said breathily and he smiled.
"Cheesy....cheesy but cute. I like it. Now go shower, " he said humorously.
"Mr.Denmark,  are you implying I stink? That is no way to speak to a lady, " I say tsking and shaking my head feigning disappointment.
"Well its a good thing Mrs. Stevens you are not a lady, " he says smirking mischievously.
"You're lucky am tired, otherwise I would have smacked that annoying smirk from your face, " I say smiling softly at him.
He gifts me with his rare chuckles and kisses my forehead softly. I grew accustomed to his forehead and cheek kisses about two months ago. I stopped dwelling so much on it but that does not mean it does not make my heart beat any less. Its always thumping so loud I always feel blood rushing to my ears. Butterflies always corrupt my tummy and my breath hitches in my throat every time.

"I will get dressed then take you out for breakfast muffins. Okay?" He asks gently.
"Okay. I want blueberry muffins. Oh...and some mango smoothy and ice cream and I also want some gummy worms, lets not forget some chocolate in the mix and some cookies,  I also...."
I was rambling excitedly and my mouth was forced closed with Antony's big hand.
"I will buy everything you want if you would stop talking and go shower. Deal?" He asks.
I nod and he retracts his hand then I dash away from his room to my own doing my business while humming joyfully to myself. All previous memories of the past night forgotten.

Coming downstairs humming to myself while Antony was furiously tapping on his phone with a mega watt scowl, I see a head full of dirty blonde hair dashing towards the play room. I chuckle already knowing who it was. Antony looks at me questioningly but I just hold up a finger telling him I'll be a moment. I head towards the playroom and find the culprit tiptoeing and trying to be stealthy. His head is looking right and left while his eyes are scanning everywhere to avoid being caught. Just when his shoulder sag and he exhales a breath of relief I make an appearance.
"Shouldn't you be in school Jake?" I ask and he freezes. I don't even think he was breathing. He turns around slowly trying to see who caught him. His eyes are wide with shock but when he sees its me he lowers his guard.
"Oh its just you." He says dismissively.
"What do you mean its just me?" I say feigning hurt and offense.
"I mean its just you Lins. You wouldn't tattle tale on me or give me a hard time about sky vying school, " he smirks arrogantly.
I narrow my eyes threateningly and point an index finger towards him,
"You missing school is harming your future. You should take your studies very seriously. School is important, " I say with a poker face that could ashame Antony.
We stare at each other for a while then burst out laughing.
"Oh my God, you should have seen your face, " I say in between breaths.
"Not cool Lins , not cool. For a moment there you kinda freaked me out. I thought you were being serious, " Jake says after we had cooled down.
"I was. But then again I saw your face and couldn't hold my laughter in. Anyway what are you doing out of school, " I asked.
"I was not in the mood for school today. There is this teacher in school who always looks at me like am a piece of meat. He is a freaking pedophile I tell you. He loves brushing against me, " he shudders at the memory then squints his eyes like he ate something sour, " this one time, he brushed against me while giving out test papers and he groaned. I think I gave him a boner, "he said so freaked out I could not help but laugh at him.

" Wow, look at you giving men boners. You're all grown up, " Antony's voice says from somewhere in the room which makes me laugh even more at what he said.
"What?! How could you say that?" Jake says incredulously.
"I just said it, " Antony answers, his tone bored.
"Lins, he's making fun of me again, " Jake says pouting adorable.
"Awww, did Jakes feelings get hurt?" I ask him.
"Shut up, " he says blushing.
"Lyndsay, lets go, " Antony  says.
"Wait, where you guys going?" Jake asks innocently.
"Oh, Antony is taking me out for muffins, wanna come?" I ask Jake.
His face holds glee.
"Yee...I mean no, " he says looking behind me unsurely and a little bit scared. I turn towards Antony to see him giving Jake a murderous glare.
I shake my head at him then turn to Jake, " forget this meanie and lets go, " I go to pull his arm but Antony says,
"Jake, if you come with us be sure where I will drop you off won't be to get muffins but at your school gate and I will make sure that pedophile teacher of yours is your personal tutor for the next month, " his tone is completely void of emotion and Jake looks so freaked out that he just takes his back pack and runs off to God knows where.
"Coward!" I scream at him and he hold his middle finger at me while running off. I gasp in surprise before I hear a deep chuckle beside me. I turn to give Antony a death glare only to gasp in surprise to see his face inches from mine.
He stares at me deeply before glancing at my lips with a hint of longing. He places his finger under my chin before staring at me again intensely.  He sighs before shaking his head and places a chaste kiss on my forehead. My heart is beating erratically I was afraid It was going to burst out of my chest.
"Lets go, " he says gently before taking my hand in his and leading us towards his white Porsche.
Only one thing is running in my mind while we buckle up in the car, what the hell just happened?

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