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I woke in the middle of the night,past midnight I presumed by the quietness of the hospital. Beside me was my...father. The name sounded so foreign on my tongue. But at last, I knew I wasn't alone. My father together with Jody were here for me. I studied him. He looked tired. Stress lines decorated his forehead where else his hair was in every direction. The shirt he had on,was crinkled and untucked while the shoe laces on his expensive shoes were undone. His ears were not small nor big and I found out they resembled mine down to the last detail. I watched as his hand would twitch once in a while. His fingers resembled mine except his were wide and short where else  mine were long and slender.

His hair was a deep shade of golden brown and very curly. Now I knew why I had curly wild hair. I was almost touching his head when a movement in my peripheral vision caught my attention. I looked to my right to see Antony. He was seated on the hospital couch with his arms crossed. His right leg was crossed over his left while his foot shook leisurely above it showcasing his heavy compact boots. His eyes were on me. They did not waver nor blink.

My heart skipped a bit. It did not skip because I was scared,no,it skipped because of the look he was giving me. His blue eyes were so intense I thought he had a glimpse of my soul. He was studying me with a look I couldn't decipher. His eyes held something close to adoration but it vanished just as fast. His lips were in a frown and his head tilted to the side. The moonlight cast a sinful glow to his extraordinary jaw. Words were not spoken as we watched each other. His eyes held mine captive. I was lost in its depth. How can eyes so beautiful be so horrifyingly cold and unforgiving?

Finally he spoke,"How are you feeling?" I don't know if he asked it in general or for the reason I woke up. I blinked once ,twice then thought it through. How was I honestly? I was a little bit okay but still depressed. But I was better. Yes better was the word for now.
"Better,"I said with a weak smile.
"You two look very alike," he said,I looked at him questioningly and he nodded towards George and said,
"George and You look alike. No doubt you're his daughter," he said. Antony's accent was really heavy than the others. His pronunciation was  different.

"Have you been here long?" I asked.
"No,"he said. I waited for him to elaborate but he did not. I sighed.
"You are a man of few words Antony," I said avoiding his gaze.
"I am," he vaguely answered me,again.
"Why?" I asked while soothingly running my fingers in Georges unruly hair. It was so soft
"Why not," he said. I looked over him and found his eyes holding a glimmer of amusement before I realised he quoted me from earlier.
"Touche,"I said smiling softly.
"You need to sleep. You need rest to heal," he said after some moment of comfortable silence.
I shook my head no and sighed before saying,
"No. I always thought sleep was my solace. But now I find I don't want to sleep. Too many forbidden flashbacks haunt me," I said sadly,"Does it ever get easier?" I looked over to him. He seemed to be thinking about it before he looked at me with an intensity that almost had me choking on my own breath.
"No. It doesn't. People just learn to live with it. It a part of you. You just have to conquer your demons and show them who is in charge. You are also not alone,you have your family," He said.
"Can I also have you," I blurted out. I don't know why I said it but I did.
He looked shocked beyond words but I did not waver. I watched him. My eye contact strong. He was silent. I spoke again,making sure he understood my question.
"Antony. Can I also have you as my  support,my pillar amongst many?" I know what I said was like I wanted a relationship but  I didn't. He seemed to be battling with his own demons and I wanted him to teach me how to while also showing him he was not alone. I thought he would never answer when he finally said,
"Whenever you need me,I'll be there. I promise. Now rest. Its three o'clock in the morning. You will be discharged tomorrow afternoon. George said he wanted you home,"
"Of course I do, I just found my golden eyed gem," George said. I looked to see he was wide awake.
"Papa," I said shyly. I saw his eyes getting glossy.
"Oh princess. How I have looked all over for you. How are you? Are you in pain,"he asked tightening his hand on mine.
"Emotional pain papa,but I'll heal with time. I have you,Jody,Dave, the twins and...Antony. I will be okay," I said.
"Okay you need rest. Tomorrow is a busy day," he said tucking me in. He kissed my forehead and soon enough I was welcoming the darkness. Before I was completely asleep i felt a pair of lips on my cheek,it lingered sending tingles to erupt there before a deep voice said,"Forever and always am at your service," he said before sighing and adding,"what are you doing to me golden? You make me question my sanity. What is drawing me to you? " With that my hair was tucked under my ear and I was completely immersed in the darkness. Hoping and wishing for a better life without the broken pieces.

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