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Violent scenes and trigger warnings. Read at own risk.

Lindsay's POV .

We ate in comfortable silence when I finally thought of something,
"You know Antony, you know everything about me when I know next to nothing about you, " I told him. His posture changed instantly and his eyes became cold and his shoulders rigid.
"Whats there to know. My life is not interesting, " he answered flatly.
"Mine's not interesting too but you still know about it, " I answered him slowly afraid he was gonna snap.He watched me for what felt like hours when it was only seconds then sighed.
"Gold, "he finally answered.
" What?" I asked dumbly.
"My favorite color is gold, " He said a little annoyed.
"Oh, " I said.
"I hate people, I love guns, I was an addict for nine years, I had a sister, I love violent video games, I hate coffee, I love to read, I love your cooking, am claustrophobic, I self harmed when I was in school, my parents were psychopaths, I met George when I was twenty and I love your eyes, " he stated everything in one large breath with a distant look in his eyes and a scowl on his lips. I blushed at his last statement when he said he loved my eyes. Then I remembered he said he had a sister.

"What happened to your sister, " I asked meekly.
"I was afraid you would ask. Come lets go somewhere more private and quiet. Here is not a place for a life time story of the big bad Antony, " He said standing up. I snickered and he just smirked before he scowled again. We paid at the counter then headed back to his car. After buckling up I asked, "where we going?"
"Its a surprise, " he said, his voice distant.
I nodded trying not to annoy him when he was driving. I looked outside the window, watching as the trees zoomed by and the clouds moving along with the car. My thoughts were in a jumble. I was thinking about what he had told me and how nonchalantly he had delivered the information. Its like he had said it alot it seemed rehearsed. Everything about him in small statements. But he had made me more curious. I just had to know his story.

"We are here, " his voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked around and saw an empty field with dried up grass and shrubs. There was a runned down house by the left side and on the right side was a barn, at least whats left of it, there were tall tress with no leaves on them and the place just looked cold. I looked to Antony wanting to ask him where we were only to find him staring at the broken pile that resembled a house with a distant almost painful look. I bit my tongue to refrain from asking him anything seeing as he was lost in his thoughts.

"This used to be my home. I was only five when we relocated here. My sister was three years old then. She was always jovial and bubbly. My father was a strict person and my mother even stricter. We lived here for four years happily until one day it just stopped. My parents started getting affectionate towards us. More than they used to before. My sister was seven years and I was nine when our parents destroyed our lives one night, " he sighed and kept quiet as if that memory alone hunted him everyday. He pointed to the barn and said in a quiet voice filled in anguish, "that barn is where we were first raped by our parents on the same night while they drank and laughed. They tied us with ropes while my father raped my sister with my mother filming the whole ordeal. I was screaming and begging them to stop but they just laughed. When my father was done, he injected me with Viagra and my mother raped me while my father also recorded. I closed my eyes through out the whole thing because I couldn't bare to look at them. My sister had already lost consciousness because of the trauma and I almost lost mine too. When they were done, they untied us and left us there. I was in so much pain I couldn't walk, my sister was covered in blood, " he abruptly stopped and rubbed his face. I held his hand and squeezed it telling him It was okay. He released a deep breath then looked straight ahead with a void look and a cold voice, he continued,

"The abuse continued until I was seventeen and my sister fifteen.I know I could have done something about as I was already huge and strong enough, but being traumatised from a young age made me not to and just did what she asked. I started taking drugs when I was eleven. I used every drug in the street. I became suicidal and almost accomplished doing so but the thought of leaving my sister alone brought me back. But I continued to self harm. I was the freak in school. I got bullied alot but never bothered to defend myself. My sister stopped talking when she was ten. She only whispered one words to me byt never spoke to anybody else. Thankfully she was never bullied in school. I got into street fights to release anger and to save money to run off with my sister when I was to reach eighteen. I endured the torture our so called parents inflicted on us almost every night but I could see my sister was broken beyond repair. Her eyes were dead and she stopped eating. The last straw was when she found out she was pregnant, " he clenched his fists so tight his knuckles became white. He was gripping my hand tight it was starting to be painful but he released my hand and walked a little bit forward. His breathing was heavy. I knew it was hard for him so I hugged him from behind. He tensed a little before relaxing and holding my hands. He rubbed circles on my knuckles and released a deep sigh before saying,

"She went and confronted my father yelling she'd rather die than give birth to an abomination. My father just laughed and said she doesn't have the guts to die otherwise she could have already killed herself. My sister was on the verge of hysteria now. I was telling her not to listen to him and I was going to help her out. She looked at me and said she has had enough. She was hugging me so tightly it felt like a goodbye. After that, she went towards him and slashed her throat right infront of him. He panicked and ran. My mother followed him. I was left there all alone. I was hugging her body crying asking why she left me. After her burial, which my parents never showed up, I decided to go look for them. I was still a drug junkie so my mind was messed up. After a week of searching I finally found them in a run down motel having a blast with their psycho friends. My mother just laughed when she saw me and said I was addicted to her that's why I was looking for them. The pain, anger and betrayal i felt finally exploded. I had with me a gun. My first kill was my parents. I put a bullet between their eyes with no remorse or regret and I would do it again. I was jailed for three years and When I got out, that was also the time I met George, he took me in and also took me to therapy. He is my hero and a father I could have always wanted."

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