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"Sit down sweetie, " he says while he pours Antony and himself a glass of scotch. I take a seat in front of his desk while he sat behind it. Antony sat at the leather couch at the side of the room watching me intently. I start feeling nervous wondering what it might be that they wanted to talk to me about.
"Okay, I don't want you getting nervous or scared about what we are going to tell you, " George begins.
"Am already nervous so just tell me, " i say wringing my fingers nervously.

"We found Dibali, " Antony says.

Lindsay's POV
We found Dibali
We found Dibali
We found Dibali
We found Dibali...

Three words, thirteen letters. That's all it took to shatter my world. Those three simple words, some might even say unimportant words, those words combined destroyed my resolve of being 'brave and strong' and in the back of my head I think I even saw some nuclear explosions to make the point more clearer. My ears were ringing and the sound of blood rushing to my head sounded like  waves crushing in the rocks at the sea shores. My heart was beating so vigorously,  the pain it left behind my chest cavity felt like small needles pricking my skin continuously.

My palms were clammy and my breath was coming out in pants.
"Lynn..." The voice was far away. Someone was shaking my shoulders gently but my mind was not comprehending anything apart from the panic attack I was due to have in the moment. Tears were slowly cascading down my flashed cheeks and my throat was burning. A wail came out of my mouth and suddenly I was engulfed in a tight bear hug. I didn't know who was hugging me but I needed it. I needed the comfort.

Sobs raked my body while the one who was holding me kept muttering words to calm me down. After some moments the fog clouding my mind with panic cleared away. I was in someone's arm and they were rocking me back and forth. The cologne was familiar to me and when I looked up through my swollen puffy eyes, concerned electric blue eyes were looking back at me.

"Its okay. He's not going to hurt you anymore, " Antony's deep voice said.
"That's right Lynn, Dibali is no more, " George added. I looked at both of them in confusion.
"What do you mean he is no more?" I asked. My voice hoarse from all the crying.
"Have a seat and we will explain all the details to you, " George answered back.
"No..I mean, I would rather we not discuss about him please, just give me the summary to it, " I answered weakly.
"Okay....well Dibali is no more because.....well because we hunted him down and killed him then burned his remains so that even in death he can suffer, " George said nonchalantly as he watched me assessing my reaction.

I couldn't respond. I didn't know what to say. I felt numb with shock. Antony was holding my hand. His warmth was seeping into my skin but I couldn't bring myself to react to it. I felt the blood rushing to my head in my ears. I just stared at my father while he continued to study me.
"He's...... Dead?" I whisper to no one in particular. My voice came out horse and dry.
"Yes, He is finally dead, " Antony said squeezing my hand a little.
"Am free, " I whisper again, my voice laced with disbelief.
"Yes princess, you are free. He is finally gone, " my father said. He stood and came and gave me a bone crushing hug. I still clung to Antonys hand but hugged my father tight to me.
"Do you mean it? Is he trully gone? But what of his family, " I gasped thinking of the triplets, " Papa what about the triplets? What happened to them?"
"Relax honey. I made sure they were safe and their lives won't be affected by this. I opened a trust fund on their behalf, making sure their education won't be cut short until they finish their college and can sustain themselves. As for that horrible wife of his,  I didn't leave anything for her and made sure that she will not be able to leave the country whatsover. She is forever under surveillance until her kids are done with school. For their basic needs I catered for it only because of the children. The bank is under strict orders not to give that woman money that is not going to the children.  Every month social services will go see what she is up to until I decide when it's enough, "

I look at him dumb founded. He had everything planned out. Antony is smiling softly at me and George is smirking proudly at himself. He talks like he had everything planned out. It takes a while for me to digest that information. I look towards them In awe. I saw him in another light. He did all that for kids he did not know without thinking so much about it. Before we knew what happened, I hugged my father tightly muttering 'thankyous' to him. He kissed my crown and hugged me tighter to him.

He does not understand the gratitude I feel for him for eliminating the one cause of my fears. He has set me free from the demon always lurking at the back of my head reminding me of Dibalis existance.

"No father, you do not understand my gratitude. For years I have been living with constant fear. He had made me so paranoid and so broken that  I couldn't take long showers without drowning in flashbacks that reminded me of what he did to me using shower heads. I couldn't touch a butcher knife without freaking out that he is lurking near me before I remember he was not around me. I couldn't iron my clothes without my scar burning reminding me of the most horrid ordeal in that mans hands, "  I paused my heart rate increasing and my breaths coming out in pants, " I couldn't stay happy even when I was with my own family when I remember he is still alive Somewhere looking for me. I couldn't handle any kind of warmth or kindness from someone thinking they were tricking me so they can humiliate me later or have deviced some plan to hurt me. I couldn't even sleep without vivid dreams and flashbacks haunting me and wake up in the morning not knowing what is real and what is not. So father, I owe you my life, " I said slowly.

"Am always here for you my dear. Am sorry I did not find you earlier. Am sorry I couldn't help you earlier. If I could have just fou..." George started saying but I cut him short.
"Don't you dare blame yourself for this. Only Dibali is to blame. He was greedy and destroyed our family. Thank you for getting rid of him.  I know many daughters don't thank their fathers for cold blooded murder but we are a messed up family so thank you papa , " he laughed and hugged me to his chest while Antony was chuckling somewhere in the background.  This men were my pillars.

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