Chapter 8

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Tom Riddle. Basically Voldemort.
Harry couldn't believe he was trying to kill himself through the future.
How did he even get here?
Maybe he somehow made a contraption with the time turner..

Nonetheless, it had been a while since him and Tom had met, though he did not know how long, and they had sorted out plans.
Well, more so Tom sorted out plans. He only informed Harry on what he actually needed to know about what they were doing before they did it.
It had been difficult for Harry, as he was constantly waking up in cold sweats and would scream until his voice was hoarse after being plagued with nightmares nearly every other night. Tom would simply put silencing charms and allow for Harry to deal with the problem, as the younger boy would repeatedly assure him he was just fine and pretend to sleep but would toss and turn.

Now, though, they were out and looking for the hidden possessions (called horcruxes by Tom) of a special someone that Harry himself was unaware of, but could easily assume.
They were currently in a seaside cave, and, while Tom was just slightly damp, Harry was completely drenched.
He'd just made the mistake of standing close to where the sea sprayed at the edge of the cave.

"What exactly happened here? Obviously it has to do with you."
He said after a moment, looking around closely.
All he could really see were the cave walls.
Was there a hidden room or something?
"Give me your hand." Riddle's voice rang out among the eerie dripping sounds, and his question remained unanswered.

"What for?" Harry turned at the demand, his brain spinning with the endless possibilities before he reluctantly held out his hand.
He witnessed the other cut across his palm with a spell... something familiar..
He let out a yelp, his eyes widening as he tried to take back his hand from Tom.
"Calm down- you'll just be significantly weakened." He answered shortly, using Harry's hand for the apparently very necessary blood sacrifice.

The effect was fast and Harry was beginning to feel it already.
Finally, Tom healed his cut and dropped his hand before heading through the entrance with Harry in a daze behind him, as if nothing had even happened in that moment.

Perhaps it was his dark tendencies and sick mind.
Harry thought it best that he ignored the observation and continued to follow the tall boy.

With his hands against the cavern wall, Tom felt around.
Something invisible? Harry thought,  before he heard something rattle.

"Get in," Tom said, quickly tapping the chain as it coiled itself on the ground.
It pulled something to the surface- maybe a box- no, it was a boat!
Harry hadn't quite expected this, not really.
Begrudgingly, Harry had to admit that maybe Voldemort was slightly clever.
Once Harry managed to get himself into the boat, Tom slipped in and, soon, they were heading across the black lake.
"How did you-?" Harry asked, eyes wide.
"Only a wizard of age can find it, though I'd never thought about an underage wizard riding along." Tom muttered.

"This is very- er, planned out." Harry said slowly, looking over the edge of the boat before coming face to face with a deceased human body.
Harry looked away quickly, startled that he'd seen something so- so-
"-I made it somewhere around my age and I seemed to have it figured out. Though, quite predictable." Tom said, rather bluntly if anything,
Harry simply nodded and looked at the approaching island.

"And that's where his- your- horcrux is?" Harry shivered at the thought, that would be two horcruxes?
He wasn't sure.
"Good observation."
Tom replied.

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