chapter 17

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Reminder that I'm not really going with the books, I'm changing things that have happened but I AM using the scenes of how the horcruxes were found/their locations.
So, no, unfortunately there isn't a huge dragon involved and I've COMPLETELY changed some aspects of the series.

Tom was first to head into the vault, looking around the glittering room to find his own treasure.
Harry stood to the side,  leaving his eyes half-lidded as he stared adoringly at 'Voldemort's' back.

"What are you searching for, my lord?" The witch murmured against his ear, pressing herself to the man even as he ignored her.
"A cup- don't touch anything, do you hear me? It's either charmed or cursed. We're not risking it." He hissed under his breath, moving away from the woman.

She huffed but moved away, allowing him to do as he pleased.
The goblin had left them a while ago, but Harry hadn't been completely sure- so a show had seemed best.

It was then that Voldemort-no, Tom- successfully produced the cup from the shelf.

All hell had broke loose.

                 ☆*:.。.  .。.:*☆

Draco was speedily making his way to the corner of the library, ignoring the looks he'd received from the now Golden Duo.
Couldn't he have a simple life?

It had been the second time the blonde was sure to be confronted in the library.

Agitated, he sat at a lone table, patting his bag as he felt the cloak.
It wasn't his, of course- from Harry.
When he'd disappeared, Draco surely wasn't giving it to the Dark Lord- not when he wasn't even short enough to use it and was the dark side.
No, Draco would keep it and return it... hopefully.

He'd plan on at least keeping his mother safe, if anything.

It was then that Hermione briskly walked to his table,  Ron trailing behind her with a scowl across his features.
"Malfoy. We need to talk."
Flicking his tired eyes up to meet her determined brown, he sighed heavily.
"What do you want?" He spoke coldly.

"I want to... apologize for yesterday. I shouldn't have outright accused you but, it's just-" Her eyes were glazed over, tears threatening to spill but never falling.

"He's gone. He was- no, IS our best friend.. then you and him suddenly disappeared at a moment's notice. I don't expect you to care or anything... but if there's anything you can tell Ron and I...please."
She finished, wiping vigorously at her eyes to prevent tears.

Ron laid a hand upon her shoulder, looking at her with a troubled expression before looking warily at Draco.
"We miss him- er, just do tell us if you hear anything.  We don't expect you to but 's worth a shot."
With the last words exchanged, the pair took off.

Draco stared after them, bewilderment written across his features as he tried to digest what had just occurred.

It seemed there was finally peace coming between them?
To...find Harry?
Draco certainly couldn't help what side he was on at the moment, but in the future, he did have a small inkling of this... tolerable relationship.

Now he'd really have to make it up to Potter for all he'd done to him and his friends.
God, what had he been thinking for all of his life?
With a knit of his brows, the teen started feeling conflicted, and set off to busy himself from the bombardment of emotion.

                                      ☆*:.。.  .。.:*☆

There were familiar screeches from above, those that eerily sounded like-

Harry's eyes widened, and he quickly grabbed at Tom's arm.
"We have to go," He rushed out, throat tightening as he heard the mad cackling, "they're here."
Tom's lips tightened, and color started coming back into his face- his lips turned pink and his eyes went back from red to brown.
Harry knew his own eyes were probably returning, and knew they probably had twenty minutes or less before they completely shifted.

Sprinting alongside Tom, they raced to get up to Gringotts after riding the cart and, when they finally arrived, Harry was shoved to the side to avoid a curse coming his way.
The wind was knocked out of him by Tom, who was quick to get off of Harry and help him hide by pulling him behind a large pillar.

He cursed under his breath and looked intensely into Harry's vivid green eyes.
"This is what we'll do, cast the most insignificant spell if it comes to it, but we will avoid it. We are going to run and hide behind pillars, make it to the exit and Apparate back. Got it?"

Harry grimaced and nodded.
Looking at Tom and receiving a nod, Harry took off, racing behind the pillars as he heard the high, shrieking voice scream out his name.
"The boy used polyjuice! He has my clothing!"

Adrenaline coursed through him as he neared the exit.

Five seconds- he was so close.
He could hear Tom's feet slapping against the floor as he ran behind him.




He grunted as he crashed into the wall, gasping in pain as he scrambled to get up.
"Wearing my clothes are you, Potter? What would dear old Sirius say if he saw you like this? Cross dressing in nothing other than my own clothing?" She cackled and suddenly- everything, oh, everything was red.

Harry ripped the pointed toe heel off his foot and hurled it across the room, hitting the woman square in the face as she let out a pained scream. She clutched her face distractedly as it began to bleed.

He took out his wand, pointing it at her as he held his side.
"Do it."
The voice was full of amusement, mirth, and anger. He could hear the cold, high voice echo within the building.
He saw the pale figure from the corner of his eye, saw the raising of a hand.
The true Voldemort.

Harry parted his lips, letting out an angry yell as he took off before running to the exit and throwing the door open.

Tom was there, cup hidden by his cloaked arm even as he cast spells at the Death Eaters that surrounded him.
It was no wonder why Voldemort was so powerful. He watched as Tom displayed his power and strength easily against the Death Eaters, who seemed to be no match for him.

Harry felt pure panic and he let out a shout, which garnered Tom's attention as he sprinted full force and threw himself at the older boy.

His arms latched around Tom's neck, and suddenly,

The world spun.

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