"I'm NOT going to dress like that foul witch!" Harry glared at Tom, looking at the piece of clothing offendingly.
He'd stopped calling Tom 'Riddle' after they had spent more time, though Tom didn't care as both were equally horrible to him."I'm not a woman, I don't do corsets! Besides, can't you do the 'mission' alone? You'd be a great actor."
"Not quite. We need to convince them that we're both..Voldemort." He spat so furiously that Harry thought he'd throw the woman's boots out the window. "And Bellatrix, simply retrieving the cup. I will say this one time and one time only," Tom looked at Harry with narrowed eyes.
"Donot touch anything when we get there. There will be immediate action if you do anything and we don't want that, do we?"Harry swallowed thickly and nodded.
"Wait a minute- I'm not even going! And I refuse to wear that-that stupid dress and absolutely ridiculous shoes."
Tom gave him a look.Harry was currently holding onto the headboard in the bedroom, his knuckles white as he hung his head.
"Oh g-god. Just hurry up!" Harry groaned, wishing for his suffering to finally end.
"Hold on tight, it might..hurt a bit more."Tom pulled on the strings and Harry winced, grimacing when it was finally over.
"How does she- nevermind..." Harry adjusted the corset and let the sleeves of the dress cover his arms. They were only slightly longer than his own arms.
Had he always been this short?
He knew Tom was taller than him.. but seeing himself in Bellatrix's clothing made him truly realize his size.
He chose to ignore it."We don't have her wand.. yours will have to do only in case of an emergency. I do have my own from a different time. I'm hoping that as I've made batches of the polyjuice, I would use my own hair and change into my form from this time. I have, of course, found one of Lestrange's." Tom spoke, and Harry knew that this just had to work.
"Alright. I suppose it'll... be worth a try."
All he could think about was getting to see them, to finally give his godfather his revenge or something to laugh at on the other side.
He was going to completely and utterly be a better Bellatrix than the foul witch herself.It was midday when the two had fully transformed into both Bellatrix and Voldemort.
Tom most likely knew that the actual two would be alerted later on, but it would be worth it.
Harry could feel heart sink, as he knew that this would just be more difficult as time went on.Harry was currently wearing the pointed toe boots that had a rather large heel, the corset and skirts that were the most ridiculously large thing he had ever worn, and had the puffy, large hair.
He felt like a clown.Tom, however, had the pale, snake like face and the dark, billowing robes enveloping his form.
It made Harry's stomach turn when Tom looked him in the eye with the red iris that belonged to the Dark Lord.
He shivered to himself and ignored the bile that threatened to go up his throat."Hold onto my arm."
It was a demand, one the Harry couldn't say much to.
Taking a deep breath, Harry hooked arms with Tom and the world spun in his blurry vision.
Apparation to the outside of the building.
They were off to Gringotts.

All I Ever Wanted Was the World
Fanfiction!!!!! ALTERED CHAPTERS !!!!! "Have you any idea what it's like?" There were tears in Harry's eyes and it was suddenly like he couldn't control it anymore. Draco felt his stomach clench and he wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to hurt Potter ; so...