chapter 16

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Gringotts was fairly empty at this time of the day, which was better as it would leave only the goblins to be dealt with.

Striding confidentially to the goblin in charge of her vault, Bellatrix demanded to be taken down to the her respectable vault.

Of course, things don't work that way.

"I need a blood test for you to be able to pass through." One of the goblins, completely unwavering in his tone, stated flatly.
"Are you insane? Do you think I'd stoop so low as to use my precious blood when I'm standing right here?!"
She shrieked, and soon, it became apparent that she wouldn't give it up so easily.
The goblins immediately let her through- especially when the looming figure of Voldemort had appeared and joined her.
The goblins, silently looking at each other with a knowing look, led them down.
They're errant going to interfere with a war that was not for their own sake.

"What do you think? Isn't that just stupid? My own blood." She was murmuring angrily, hooking her arm through the paler one that was covered with a dark cloak.
"Of course." Was the hissed, cold response.

Harry felt awful, but it was just acting... right?
He just needed to get this done and over with.
Oh god, he was embarrassed! ...What would Hermione and Ron say?

He felt the hairs rise on his neck when Tom spoke- the exact same way Voldemort would. The soft yet violent hiss, the stoic expression, the emotionless yet terrifying voice.
He felt his stomach churn in unease.

When they finally arrived it was the most fear-sparking experience Harry ever had.

Bellatrix was annoyed, tapping her boots on the ground in impatience.
"Now, now. What did we say about being upset?"

Bellatrix looked to the man at her arm, her scowl slowly melting from her face.
"Of course." She stated, her lips curling into a wicked grin.

The door to the vault opened, and they walked within the metal interior to find the riches and objects of the Lestranges.

☆*:.。. .。.:*☆

Draco was long gone from the manor and back at Hogwarts as to avoid raising any suspicion.
It wouldn't stop the golden trio from disrupting him, even when one of them was missing.

He'd gotten a little thinner than he was used to, but no matter, there were more important things to do.
Holding the fork between his finger and thumb, he swirled it in his food as the thought of actually eating was revolting.
He'd eat later when he'd go into the kitchens.

It was setting in motion...The Dark Lord was to give a mission in the upcoming months.

He was scared, as much he'd hate to admit it.

No, he was absolutely terrified.

He rose from the Slytherin table and left the Great Hall.

After all, he still had work to do.

It was after all his classes that he was being confronted in the library by none other than the redhead and stubborn witch.

"Look, I don't know what you want, nor do I care. Whether you realize it or not, I'm busy." Draco said bluntly, looking at them as if they simply weren't there.

"Oh please! You and Harry BOTH disappeared and you don't believe anyone would track that back to you? How stupid must you be to think no one would see him disappear!?" Hermione said in a loud voice, wincing before casting a charm around the three.

"Why you-" Ron uttered, moving to grab Draco before the witch stopped him.
"Don't be ridiculous, Ron! We need to find out where Harry is, we don't have time for this." She sighed before fixing the pale boy with a glare.

"Harry was right about you, I can't belive I just didn't see it. You're up to something and Harry almost found out, but I will. I'll find Harry before you do anything, Malfoy." She said heatedly, and it was the angriest the two boys had ever seen her. It was worse than when she'd up and smacked him across the face.

"'Mione, I think we need to go." Steering off the steaming brunette, Ron sent Draco one last glare before disappearing with the muggleborn.

Draco collapsed into his seat and breathed out, groaning under his breath as he covered his face with his hands.
How was he going to do this?

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