Officially, I took out the previous chapter because I don't want to affect the story??
but Draco's scene will be at the end of this chapter because he's obviously a little obsessed.
I do realize that I made everything more simple but, it's all really due to the timing."R.A.B? who.." Harry murmured to himself, sitting on one of the nearby chairs.
"Any ideas in the mind of yours?" Riddle turned when Harry suddenly sucked in a breath.
"Black! It's got to be." He said, thoughts jumbled and heart racing as he looked up at the other with wide eyes.
Riddle had turned back around and ,in a split second, was in front of him.
"Are you certain?" There was a certain glint in his blue eyes that he couldn't place.
It definitely made the smaller boy felt a bit more uncomfortable.
"I'm sure," Giving the other a suspicious gaze, he looked back to the note.
"Sirius!" He whispered, trying to think of the few times he'd spotted the family map. "I think he had a brother, I can't recall his name at all-"
He ignored the pang he felt in his chest when talking about Sirius and his family, ignored the sting behind his eyes at the thought of his godfather. He forced himself to snap back to the situation at hand and told himself that Sirius would want him to concentrate on the matter at hand.
Tom hissed, his brows furrowing. "A black, that insane-" stopping himself, he glanced at Harry with a bit more of a ruffled look.
Harry stared back, looking much more uncomfortable than he had before. Tom stepped forward, close enough that Harry felt his heart beating erratically.
"Perhaps you aren't as dumb as you seem to be.."
A whisper.
"How very kind of you." Harry snapped, annoyed.
"Time to go out and actually search for Horcruxes, Golden Boy."Saying nothing in return, Harry ignored his own annoyance at the name and pushed past the other.
"Then we better get to it, the faster the better, right?"
His thoughts were running wild- who WAS Sirius' brother?
Reg something, he thought, doing his best to try to recall. He couldn't seem to think of it but then it came to him-Sirius had named him his heir.
That meant that it could possibly do with the Black's house.. Kreacher?
Harry grinned to himself as he grabbed Tom's arm, forgetting about the jolts as the other let out a hiss between his teeth.
He continued on and dragged the older boy to the fire place.
"I don't suppose that you have floo powder, do you?" Harry questioned briefly, double checking that his wand was on him.
Reluctantly, Tom drew a pouch from his robe and opened it so that Harry could grab hold of some.
"I should definitely keep him from seeing the outside of it in case..." Was his last thought before he shouted.
"12 Grimmauld Place!"
Harry announced, and they both went through as the dust settled onto the floor.Harry stumbled forward, accidentally letting go of Tom as a series of voices came from upstairs.
He wasn't expecting anyone to be here, but, then again, this was a headquarters.
"Oh god!" He breathed, ushering Tom to follow him into the kitchen.
"Kreacher?" Harry called out quietly, adrenaline running through his veins just as the house elf appeared in front of him.
"Filthy half-blood.." The house elf murmured under his breath, eyes wandering over the pair before settling on Tom.
"You useless-" Tom started, his wand pulled out as the elf trembled.Had he recognized him?
Harry pushed Tom behind him to hide his features.
"Stop it!" Harry hissed, quickly turning to Kreacher. "Please, we need a locket. Search this house and bring it back to me as fast as you can,"
Glancing at the map of the family that he could barely read, Harry's eyes widened.
"-Regulus would've wanted it to happen...right now"
Instantly, Kreacher changed, becoming more alive than Harry had ever seen him before.
"Master Potter helping Master Black. No longer with the light....." He croaked in an uncharacteristically happy tone, disappearing and returning in a moment.
"Master's locket!" He announced proudly, holding it within his reach.
Harry quickly took it and forgot about any insults Kreacher might have thrown at him the past few years.
He could just kiss the two that were accompanying him-
"Thank you, Kreacher. I'll call you if I ever need anything, all for Regulus."

All I Ever Wanted Was the World
أدب الهواة!!!!! ALTERED CHAPTERS !!!!! "Have you any idea what it's like?" There were tears in Harry's eyes and it was suddenly like he couldn't control it anymore. Draco felt his stomach clench and he wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to hurt Potter ; so...