My love

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Francis was in love or rather obsession with The Englishman, there was nobody else that love Arthur like he did and nobody would never get to love him. Arthur was his little songbird, that only he could have. He smiled a wicked smiled as he thought of the way he had killed Matthew and Alfred, he didn't want to kill them but anyone could take Arthur away from him but not anymore. He had quietly got into Arthur's house and was going to kidnap him or rather take him to a better place where they can be together and nobody could keep them away from each other. 

Arthur was simply reading with one leg crossed over the other. He had a thick book in his lap and a cup of tea in his hand. His free hand was being used to slowly turn the pages as he continued to read. To be honest, he didn't really care much for Alfred or Matthew; that didn't, however, mean he would feel neutral if they had died. He cared, yes, just didn't...enjoy their company. Well, to be fair, he didn't enjoy ANYONE'S company. Arthur let himself hum a soft tune as he continued to read his novel, unaware of anyone else potentially nearby. In Arthur's mind, he was completely alone.

Francis smiled as he watches Arthur read, he was cute when he was into something deep. "Bonjour Arthur." He smiled a wicked smiled as he locks the door behind him make sure Arthur couldn't leave the room. He was hoping Arthur would come with him without him using forced after all he didn't want to hurt the man he loved at all.

Arthur let out a girly scream ((had to)) and his whole body jumped. The cup of tea went flying, as well as the book in his hand. Arthur, with one hand, held his heart and, with the other, clung to the back of the couch. "God Damnit, France, what the hell was that for?!" After the initial rush of adrenaline, he let himself pant a bit. His mind began to normalize. " did you get in...?"

Francis chuckled at his reaction and watch him as he moved closer to Arthur. "Sorry, Arthur I didn't mean to scared you I just want to tell you I was here and I have my ways to get in here."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know you have your 'ways'. That is evident by the fact that you are in here. I'd like to know HOW you got in." He groaned and let himself relax a bit. "Bloody idiot."

Francis chuckled and pulled out a spear key. "I manage to get this." He said as he shows him the key he had in his hand before taking the key away so Arthur couldn't take it away from him. "Now mon Cher I have something I need to show you but it's at my place, so you have to come with me. ~~" He smiled again this time it was a little bit more wicked than before.

The man groaned and stood up. "First, I don't want you having a key to MY HOUSE. Second, you could've just, oh...I don't know... CALLED?! Instead of scaring the ever-loving FUCK out of me for no reason?!" He picked up the book and sat back down. "Now I have this mess to clean up."

Francis looks at him and sighed before looking at him. "Mon Cher I really didn't want to hurt you but you don't want to come to my place and I need you to go there so I'm sorry." He said as he knocked Arthur out before picking him up and carrying him outside the house, putting him in the car and driving Arthur to his house.

"nnnn..." It took Arthur a while to wake up, but he was still in the car when he did. "France, what the bloody hell is wrong with you...?" He growled and looked around. "Where the hell are, we are going?" He suddenly began to feel a surge of panic. This was wrong. Something was wrong. Something was SERIOUSLY wrong with France.

Francis heard how Arthur starting to wake up as he presses the bottom to lock the doors on the car just to be even more sure that Arthur couldn't get away. "Good morning Amour, nothing is wrong with me I'm happy and we are going to my place I told you before didn't you listen to me?" He smiled more as he stops outside his house still having the doors close and lock.

"Francis, what are you doing?" The fear in his voice was present now as he frantically tried to undo the buckle around him. "Just tell me what's going on! I-I can help! Please!" He started shaking as he looked around. "Frace, PLEASE!" His voice was almost shrill with fear. "Please..." He let out a single tear as he still tried to get out.

Francis x Arthur : This is Love right?Where stories live. Discover now