The Brothers

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A voice came from inside the building. "MATTIE! IGGY'S BACK!" There is the sound of something shattering and someone running closer.

Matthew hurry to the door as he opened the door before Alfred could break it down, looking at them as Alfred almost fell on them. "Bonjour papa and Arthur," Matthew said with a smiled as Francis smiled back.

Arthur felt himself tearing up. "I... I..." He teared up. He couldn't help himself but remember the fear he felt when he thought they were dead. Arthur wrapped his arms around Matthew, shaking.

America then came running out. "IGGY!" Al lifted England up into the air, laughing. "No need to be sick, my dude! THE HERO HAS COME TO RESCUE YOU!"

Matthew felt how Arthur had been shaking as he got confused. "Arthur why where you shaking? And Al take it carefully with Arthur."

Francis put up his guard as Al and yelled 'The hero has come to rescue you.' and even more when Matthew asked was wrong.

England had yelped when Al picked him up, but--thank god--he was put down shortly after. "Wait, you were shaking?" Al asked. "I was kidding... Dude, are you okay?"

Arthur started to cry, now pulling them both into a hug. "Shut up, both of you...I just...need a hug..."

They both smiled and hugged Arthur back, smiling. Francis sighed in revealed as he joins in on the hugging smiling.

Al ran his hand through Arthur's hair. "Hey, Iggy...what's wrong? You're usually not...huggy...or cry-y...?"

Arthur shook his head and wiped his tears. "I thought...something happened...but I'm...glad you're both okay..." He paused. "Don't expect me to be this affectionate ever again."

Francis glared at Al as Al touch Arthur's hair. He moved his hand to Arthur's wrist showing him Arthur was his.

Matthew looks at Arthur. "What did you think happened? and don't worry I don't expect it to happen again."

Arthur sighed and looked back at Francis to give him a small smile, before looking back at the twins. "It's...okay... um... I just...I had ...a bad dream...that something terrible happened to the both of you, and... I got...scared..."

Alfred grinned before picking him up again. "Aww, you got scared about us~!"

Francis smiled back and let go of him as he watches Alfred pick him up.

"Oh, okay Arthur, Al put him down so they can come inside the house," Mathew said as he let Francis inside the house.

Al carried Arthur inside over his shoulder. England started banging on Al's back to put him down, to which Al just laughed. America then dropped England onto the couch. He seemed...unnerved by what just happened.

"America...promise you won't do that again." Al just laughed.

"I'm going to make you some REAL tea!" He then ran into the other room, shouting, "ICED TEA!"

Francis looks at them holding his hand in a fist as he sat down next to Arthur trying to control his anger.

Matthew sighed and sat down with them. "Sorry for Al's action. How have you guys been?"

"Oh, you know. Brooding, tired, and always bored." He sighed and turned back to his side to look at the two of them.

"And what of you two...?" Al came back with a cup of iced tea and gave it to Arthur. "HERE!"

Arthur looked down into the mug, horrified. "It's...COLD! WHO DRINKS TEA COLD?!"

Al and Arthur then got into an argument about how tea is 'supposed' to be made.

Francis and Matthew look at them as they sighed. Matthew went up to Alfred and stand in between them. "Al....Please stop argument with Arthur okay?"

Francis took Arthur's hand and look at him. "Arthur, he is just a kid he doesn't know so much about tea as you do, so don't fight him."

Al rolled his eyes at Arthur. "How would you even know, England? You stole it from the Chinese." SHOTS FIRED. Arthur faked "getting shot" and fell back into France's arms.

Francis smiled as he catches Arthur in his arms, looking at him after him. "You didn't get hurt?"

Matthew hit Alfred on the head. "That's for not listing to me, and shh look at them." He said quietly as he points on Arthur and Francis.

Arthur nodded. "I was being sarcastic..." He stood up normally and glared at America. "But don't bring that up again."

Al laughed and handed the cold tea towards England.

Matthew sighed as he sat down again after feeling ignored.

Francis smiled and look at him. "I know you where Arthur and let's not fight anymore."

Alfred hugged his brother and ruffled his hair. "It's okay, Mattie, I remember you." He sighed and sat down. "It's okay, I won't fight anymore."

Arthur sighed and sat down in a separate chair. "So.." He placed his hands on his lap.

Matthew hugs him back and fixes his hair after Al had ruffled it before looking at Arthur. "Good, Arthur want do you mean by so?"

Francis looks at him worried over what he was going to say to them.

Arthur just shrugged. "I want something to talk about." He leaned back in his chair, still not...fully trusting of any of them. Al chuckled. "Soooo~? Who wants to play Super Smash Brothers?!"

Matthew sighed and shook his head. "Al....No."

Francis looks at them. "I want to know how you guys have been doing? And what you have been up to?"

Al started. "Well..." Suddenly, the air around him became...thick and serious. His entire expression shifted from light-hearted to serious and even a little scared. "...recently I've been having...weird dreams... where I'm trapped in a room and can't get out...and... there's a figure... looming over me..."

Arthur shot a nervous glance at Francis

Matthew moved close to Al to give him support before looking at them. "I don't have the same dream but I do dream of seeing a room."

Francis looks at him and gave him a nervous smiled. "That's sound weird anything more you dream about maybe how the man look like?"

Al thought for a minute. "No. They're always in a dark corner." Al forced himself to laugh. "It's probably nothing! Nothing to worry about, surely~"

England nodded and held onto the mug of iced tea he did not want to drink from. "Right... Of course, Probably nothing.

Francis node and smiled softly at them.

Matthew looks at them and smiled back. "Let's talk about something else like how Arthur as not get start a fight with Francis for catching him earlier or when he took Arthur's hand, so tell me what is going on between you two?"

Arthur froze where he was. "I... um..." He placed down the mug and stood. "Excuse me..." He then hurried out of the room and into the backyard.

Al looked at Matt and Francis. "Seriously, dude...what's wrong with him?"

Francis got up. "I don't know Alfred I will check on him." He left the room and went After Arthur.

Francis x Arthur : This is Love right?Where stories live. Discover now