I hate you

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Alfred hangs up and throws his phone on the floor as he starts going to the car and heading back home to Matthew and Arthur.

Arthur was holding Matthew in his arms and he began to sing a soft lullaby. That had always calmed down the children when they were children...maybe it would work now... hopefully...

Alfred sighed as he opened the door and went inside of his house, going to the living room as he looks at them.

By the time Al returned, Matthew was fast asleep in Arthur's arms. "why...? why did you do that...?"

"To keep you safe Arthur, you were shaking and were scared, I couldn't let you go back to him I told you I didn't trust him."

"You didn't have to kill him..." He held onto Matthew tighter.

"He would have come for you if I didn't do it."

"No, you were paranoid... You're just as bad as him..."

The END~~~~~~

After one week Francis got out from the hospital and was acting like normal again, but why was Alfred so defensive? And why was Arthur avoiding him? And why was Matthew not speaking with Alfred anymore?

Francis x Arthur : This is Love right?Where stories live. Discover now