Don't hurt Them

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Arthur was sitting in the seat, shaking. "Francis...? Remember how you promised not to hurt anyone...?"

Francis drives the car as he node. "I remember that promise so what did you tell Alfred?"

"I... I didn't mean to...I... He..."

"Is fine, Matthew did the same to me, the problem now they know and I don't know what to do since I have my promise to you." He said as he grips the steering wheel hard making his hands go white.

Arthur held his hands. "They know they died..." He looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry..." Arthur's voice was shaky and high pitched. "I didn't mean...I... I tried..."

Francis sighed. "It's fine Arthur I know you didn't mean too but they will come and try to save you, and take you away from me, I don't want that to happened that's why I took you in the first place to make sure that didn't happen."

Arthur hugged himself, shaking. "Then...I..." He bit his lip and looked out the window. "I didn't...mean...I'm sorry...please...don't hurt them..."

"I won't hurt them, but I'm not going to let them keep you away from me but I promise on my nation I won't hurt them."

"Thank you..." He let out a soft sigh and smiled a little. "Hey, Francis...? What...happened to you...?"

Francis smiled as he stops outside his house. "How do you mean Mon Amour?"

"You just...always seemed so... nice and happy before, albeit a little pervy... Now...? You changed. What happened...?"

"Well I fell in love with the person who always yelled and complained about my personality so I change it so he would like it but if you want it back to the way I usually was I happily change back." He went outside the car.

"I never wanted you to change for me, Francis..." He turned back to the other. "I loved you as you were... I didn't mean for this...I didn't mean for any of this..."

Francis leads him to the house. "I know you didn't Arthur, now I know it but back then I didn't and I'm sorry for the mess I made, I fix it no matter what, even if would mean to have you taken away from me, I would do it to show how sorry I'm." He opened the door.

England let out a sigh and walked back inside. "Thank you, Francis,...that...puts my mind at ease..." He looked around and smiled again. He then paused. "I thought we were going to my place...?"

Francis closes the door and looks at him. "Well Matthew and Alfred know you were here and will look here so I want to show you I won't run or hide you or hurt them by waiting on them and when they come do as they say and peacefully give you over if that what they want."

Arthur nodded, before hugging the other. "Thank you, Francis!" He hugged tighter than usual and felt himself begin to cry again. Well, to be fair, he didn't usually give hugs to being with. This was tighter than usual for a normal person to hug. "Thank you... truly..."

Francis hugs him back. "I love you so much, now rest a bit you can take my bed or the couch if you want too." He let him go.

Arthur nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. "I think I'll take the couch." He smiled kindly. Wow, he was...really acting weird. Huh... Maybe it's just shocking.

Francis smiled and gave him a blanket and pillow as he made tea to Arthur for when he woke up.

It didn't take long for Iggy to fall asleep on the couch.     

Francis x Arthur : This is Love right?Where stories live. Discover now