Trust me is for you own good

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Arthur was twiddling his thumbs and he had his head down. "You said you wanted to show me something...?"

Alfred looks at Arthur sitting in front of him something felt really weird. "That can wait, I want to know why you are so nervous right now?"

"Wh-?" He looked up, confused. "What...? Alfred, what...?"

"You are twiddling your thumbs and not even looking or yelling at me which means two things either you are nervous or you're scared of something, so tell me which one it is."

"Alfred, I'm sure I'm fine. I don't need any help. I'm fine."

Alfred node. "So where have you been for the last days?"

"Home... I've just...been resting, okay?"

"Okay. So, tell me why you look at Francis like you and him know about the room I was talking about. Why is that about?"

He froze. "I... just...had a similar dream is all. Probably something from our people is all."

"Then how do Francis know about it? and how do Matthew see the same room as us? you know something so tell me what it is."

"Alfred, I don't want to talk about this... Please...I don't...I just..." He hugged himself.

Alfred went to him and put a hand on Arthur's knee. "I will protect you so pleases tell me Arthur why are you so scared."

"Alfred, STOP ASKING!" He sank back into the chair, a little more afraid. "I'm...afraid..."

"Afraid of what? Arthur anything you say here will stay with us two nobodies will know about it okay?"

"I can't say! if I do-" He stopped short and gripped the arms of the chair. "If I say...then you'll be in danger..."

"Arthur, we are a nation and I can handle danger, in the worst case I tell someone else and have them back me up and help me so tell me please."

"No. We're all in danger if I say anything."

"Tell us what the danger is then so we can watch out for it and be safe."

"I can't... I just...can't...okay...?"

"Who are you protecting Arthur?"

"All of us... Alright? your older brother..."

"Fine I will but France as something to do with you being so scared and not wanting to tell me, I just want to keep you safe and out of harm's way."

"Shouldn't that be my job?!" He stood up, now angry, tears in his eyes. "I'm supposed to protect YOU! AND I-!" Tears formed in his eyes. "I failed..."

Alfred looks at him and pulled him into a hug. "You haven't failed at keeping me safe why would you think so Arthur?"

"You died in that room...both of you...that's why you don't remember..." He started sobbing into Al's shoulder. "I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry..."

Alfred's eyes wider but he didn't show Arthur that. "H-How do you know we died in that room? And don't be sorry just tell me how you know about us dying in that room?"

"I can't...I can't or it'll happen again..." He sniffed and sobbed a bit harder. "I'm's my fault..."

Alfred held him close. "How is it your fault for us dying in that room?"

He shook his head and continued to sob. "I'm sorry!"

"Does France as anything to do with this? With us dying and you think it's your fault?"

"I can't..." He clung to America tightly, still shaking. "I... can't... I can't..."

"I won't tell anyone just tell me did France hurt you or threaten you?" He held Arthur closer.

He looked up. "Al... I can't for your own safety..."

He looked down at him. "I know Arthur Just tell me if Francis did something you didn't like."

He paused. "Yes... but... please don't hurt him..."

He looks at him node as he kept his anger inside of him. "Are France going to hurt me and Matthew if he finds out?"

He paused. "He...might...I... Please, stop asking questions..."

He let him go. "Okay, I stop asking as long as you promise you are safe and he won't hurt you."

"I am... I promise..." Arthur wiped away his own tears and forced a smile. "Promise...Okay?"

Alfred smiled back. "Okay let's join the others now."

He nodded. "Yeah... Good idea..." He hugged his little brother.

Alfred hugs him back smiling before moving outside from the room.

Francis x Arthur : This is Love right?Where stories live. Discover now