Guns n Posers

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 We left for school and as we sat on the bus my Lamb started to cry. Wiping her tears I told her "It'll all be alright. We can stop this"

"The police never listen though. Neither do our family. They don't want to believe it. Or say we've no evidence" she whispered.

"Then will get evidence won't we? No one hurts my Lamb an' gets away with it."

We got to school and met with Nicky and Morgan at the gates. "Your sister's talkin funny Munchkin, why?" Nicky said

"Oh that. She's tryna lose the accent. She says it's not sophisticated enough." They giggled.

After I told Morgan the situation she suggested we meet at lunch in the drama room.

Lunch time came around and we were sitting in the drama room.

Morgan stood up and said "Welcome to Guns n Posers" with an award winning grin. "Baso, I'm not standing for this abuse anymore. To my bestie and her little sis." She winked at me. "SOOO. Welcome to the Guns n Posers. Our main plan is called How Ter Kill Yer Mam. Ideas will be taken now"

And so we spent every break and lunch coming up with scenarios and acting them out.

• Burning

• Self-harm

• Falling

• Crash

• Overdose

• Drink

• Poison

• Fight

• Drowning

• Cooking

• Dying from injuries

• Cold blooded murder

• Sleep

• Smothering

• Freak accidents

• Trucks

• Trains

• Suicide

• Tripping

So many ideas but we had to choose one.

We also rehearsed alibis, how to make the phone call, the equipment, how to use it, where to get it and distractions. All the necessary things we'd need in order to pull it off.

Let me just state now that we never intended to do it. We said we never would. We said it was all a game. But what you say can easily be forgotten and things can escalate quickly.

How Ter Kill Yer MamWhere stories live. Discover now