Investigation Pending

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    New PoV- Detective Inspector Clancy

1 year after the death of Ms Klyd, and 1 year after the girls moved in with their aunt, and 1 year after the case was deemed a tragic suicide. I reopened the case. I was only an officer back then. After having solved a large case I gained this title. Now I have the ability to make them listen, the ones who wouldn't last time. I spotted something that was wrong with the death. Luckily I photographed it all and collected all the evidence. I've spent the last year and a half tracking these girl's movements. Straight after the first hospital visit with their mother, I felt something was wrong. Now I will prove it. I've dedicated half my career to this case, and I will spend as long as it takes. Currently these murderers, as I believe them to be, are roaming Liverpool's streets. It's time they were placed firmly behind bars. Anna still hasn't done her time for manslaughter and Bonnie, she has something to do with it too. I'm sure of it. Soon I will be heralded as great, when I stop two of the Britain's youngest mass murderers in their tracks.

I was awoken from my daydream by the phone ringing.

"Mr Clancy?"

"What Anita?" I said back, this'll be boring I thought

"Death." Oooh. I sat up straight.


"Nicky Tomas" I took my feet off my desk

"Well, isn't that a turn up for the books. Thank you very much Anita. I'm on my way"

Finally, this could be the turning point in the Klyd case. I can feel it, the girls did it. There old friend, dies in suspicious circumstances. Got to be the Klyd sisters.

When I arrived at 4 Elm Street I was unprepared for the nigthmare I'd find inside. Broken down the house looked like this.

Kitchen-Blood smeared on the walls, signs of a struggle

Bathroom- Bullets, no blood

Living Room- slashed wallpaper, pillows, upturned furniture

Upstairs bathroom- blood and spit on floor. Cracked mirror.

Parent's room-Hole in the door, ripped carpet,

Nicky's room- all cabinets open, papers everywhere, slashed mattress, items gone through. Broken lamp, pulled down posters. Smashed pictures

Still no sign of a body

Garden- Nothing, backdoor panes broken

Having photographed everything and collected all my evidence I returned to my shed. In my shed I ran a whole investigation just on the Klyds. Pictures covered the walls, photos and evidence, strings connecting different pieces and papers tracking their every move. I had receipts, bus tickets, vouchers everything and anything I could find to tell me anything about them. Someday I'd catch them at it.

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