The Witnesses Part 1

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Over the next month I interviewed over 100 different people all claiming to have a connection to the case. These are the leads I am following and the information gleaned from them.

Glen Weasley

C: Mr Weasley, you were a 'Gun and Poser' for a total of 2 weeks

G: Correct

C: Why did you leave?

G: I joined because I thought it was to do with detecting and forensics etc. However I soon discovered that it was a serious club with murderous intent.

C: How did you know there was murderous intent?

G: In the 2nd week they began to talk about killing Ms Klyd

C: Thank you, this was very helpful to the case

High schoolers 1, 2 and 3

1 is a jock, 2 is very ditsy, and 3 is very intelligent.

C: You claim to have conversed with the Klyds multiple times, is this correct?

1: Yeah, Popz was a great laugh. Drunk too much though. Sister's a freak though, ain't she? (Sniggers)

2: Anna... Yeah hot bod. Nice gal. Shared a councillor with Bobby. Bono. Bonnie.

3: Anna, was in my geometry classes, she was clever but pretended not to be. It's not cool. But if I may say, Sir, you're focusing on the wrong sister. Bonnie was pretty under all that make up. All eyes were on her, not her sister. So her sister got away with murder. But not all the eyes on Bonnie were friendly.

C: Why did you call her Popz?

1: She came into school once with blood on her shirt. Looked like a poppy. It just stuck.

C: What eyes?

3: Many people would have been interested in such a young woman, had she not won so much black...

C: You liked her then?

3: Oh no. Girlfriends aren't my area. But many others liked her. Mr Tomas liked her a lot, but yet again he wasn't the only one.

Mr Edward Pope

C: You courted Ms Klyd between the years 2008-2010?

P: (Proudly) Yes, I also fathered her son.

C: Who was present at your family dinner on April the 27th?

P: Myself, my fiancée and my son Jaime

C: Not your ex-step daughters?

P: No I'm not allowed contact.

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