CHAPTER 2: Bad Impressions

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30th November

I had been extremely busy winding up things before I left for New York so I had only kept a window of three hours between my flight's arrival time and the meeting, keeping any delays and traffic jams in mind.

However, when my flight landed two and a half hour late due to some technical error with the landing gear, I knew I was doomed.

The previous CEO of Greys & Co., Matthew Greys was somewhat of a celebrity in the industry.

Like any other company with a hierarchical system, he had inherited Greys & Co., a real estate company from his father but the way he chose to venture and then take over different sectors of the economy made him quite the success story. It came as quite the shock to everyone when he chose to retire early and let his son take over.

So I had been looking forward to today's meeting with his son, Adrian, hoping to figure out what exactly was so special about this young man that made the legendary Matthew Greys step down.

By the time I got my luggage, hailed a cab and navigated through the New York traffic to the main office of Greys & Co., I was already fifteen minutes late.

I hoped Adrian wouldn't get a wrong impression of me.

I went to the tenth floor where the meeting room supposedly was. It was brightly lit and had a lot of wood work and glass panelling. I saw a lady in her early forties, walking with a few files in her hand.

I asked, "Excuse me, miss?"

"How may I help you?" She pushed her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

"I was looking for the meeting room..."

"You, you are the one presenting from Hudson Enterprises?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you," She mumbled, audible enough for me to hear.

"Huh?"I asked.

Adrian was going to be mad, wasn't he?

"Nothing...Please follow me," She said and led to the meeting room.

This wasn't not ominous at all...

I slowly opened the door and the gaze of ten pairs of eyes fell on me.

I stuttered an apology," Um...I-I apologize for the delay and I appreciate the fact that you all have waited for so patiently."

My eyes took a brief scan of the brightly lit room, flooded with sunlight coming from the glass panels which covered one of the walls. In the centre, there was a huge table and had a large screen behind it.

I walked to the front of the table, facing the man who had been an enigma to many for the past two years that he had held his father's position.

All I knew about him was that he had been labeled as a 'ladies' man' and 'the heartless playboy' but I knew better than to trust the words of tabloids that dramatized any news that they could get their hands on, just to increase their viewership.

However, looking at the blue-eyed man with a strong jaw, sitting in a grey two-piece suit, his dark hair gelled in place, it wasn't so hard to imagine that he could be popular with women.

The impatient drumming of his fingers against the table made me snap out of my daze.

I quickly set down my folder with the contract for Vinera and began with my introduction, "Good morning everyone, I am Vaness-"

"We know who you are...just skip the introduction and get to the point," Adrian Greys interrupted.

His behaviour irked me and I clenched my jaw.

Matthew Greys had chosen this man to run his company?

I took a deep breath and with much effort I continued as calmly as I could.

Now I knew why appearances were deceptive!

Fifteen minutes through my presentation, he asked me to stop and I frowned.

He got up addressing the others saying, "As much as I would like to hear what she has to offer, I am required to be somewhere else now."

He started to leave but I halted him," Mr. Greys, I still have half an hour more with you. I'm not done."

...but everyone in the room already knew that.

He looked at me for a second, narrowing his eyes,"Well, I am!"

"I don't understand...", I said, trying my best to hide my annoyance.

"What don't you understand? The part where you arrived late to the meeting or the one where your presentation nearly bored me to death. I have never been more unimpressed in my life."


I could have said the same thing about him.

How was he expecting me to impress him when he didn't even give me a chance to explain the idea of the project?

I stood there gawking at this horror of a man as he said," Do leave your card at the table. Mr. Hudson would like to know about the quality of employees that are being hired in his company."

What was he going to tell my father? To fire me?

As if!

He looked towards a pretty girl with long, red locks, whom I assumed to be his secretary. Motioning her to leave, he walked out of the room followed by the others and I gasped, unable to process what had just happened.

Sure, people like him existed but I was looking forward to meet a man worthy of praise...not a despicable asshole.

Now I was certain that the tabloids were lying because there was no way women swooned over him.

I'd rather punch him.

Heat rose up my cheeks and I made a mental note to teach him a lesson, the first chance I got.

I would have let it slide otherwise but I couldn't let someone treat me like that, especially when this wasn't the last time I would have to deal with him.

A/N: Guys, do tell me how this was. I love you all.😍

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