CHAPTER 30: I Mean Business!

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I walked up to Vanessa's room and knocked on it furiously but she didn't respond. I turned the knob and the door opened to an empty room. I went down to the office, hoping to find her there. There was not much that I could do about the project at this hour anyway so I felt that the most appropriate thing would be to vent all my anger out at Vanessa before I left since I didn't want to ruin another perfectly productive work day.

I entered the office room and was very pleased to find her, sleeping in a chair with her head rested onto the table.

Alright then!

I yelled, "VANESSA!!!"

She woke up with a start and her chair tipped over, going down with her.

"Owww! What the hell, Adrian.", she whined, getting up from the floor.

Ouch! That was not what I was going for but...whatever!

"Do you actually have a terrible memory or you purposefully decided to forget about what happened the last time you meddled with my work?"

"I don't understand why you should be bringing that up right now?", she frowned.

"You said you would wake me up by 2:30. Why didn't you?", I said clenching my fists, holding myself back from hurting her.

"Oh! Right. I'm...let me explain.", she said as realisation finally dawned upon her.

"Go on.", I said through clenched teeth.

"You were ill and you needed to rest so I decided to let you sleep and..."

"Who the hell are you to decide what I should be doing, huh? What makes you think that you have the right to take any decisions ON MY BEHALF!", I yelled.

Vanessa just started at me blankly with her jaw clenched and tears forming in her eyes.

Oh god! Not again. I feel like she cries in front of me purposefully because of how it panicks me. Before I could say anything more, she picked up my laptop and my phone and placed it before me. I took it from her, still confused about what she was trying to achieve.

She batted her eyelashes a few times, blinking away her tears and composing herself. Staring at the ground, she said, "I finished the project. It is on your desktop and next to it is a file with a brief summary so that you won't have to review the entire thing. All the best." And she left. She left me standing in the office, astonished and utterly speechless.

Shit! What had I done? I don't think that I will ever be able to understand her.

I wanted to go behind her, talk to her but I felt ashamed of my behavior. So ashamed that I left immediately for my office.

The meeting started sharp at 9:30 and throughout the presentation, I couldn't stop thinking about how stupid I had behaved in the morning. The pointers, the graphics and everything was perfect. I didn't know how I was going to make it up to her. I...Bryan, my solution for everything! I needed to find him. As soon as the meeting got over, I texted Bryan to meet me in my office.

The customers were very happy with the presentation and we signed the deal at once. I shook hands with them and then returned back to my cabin with Bryan spinning around in an office chair aimlessly.

I patiently explained him everything from last night and today morning.

After thinking for a while and probably processing the information I gave him, he said, "You are such a pro with girls but when it comes to Vanessa, how do you always manages to screw up?"

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