CHAPTER 65: Crash Course

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A/N: As promised here is the update!

The chapter is dedicated to lyrebird_00. Happy Birthday to you!!

By the way, we just reached 50,000 views and none of it would have been possible without every single one of my readers. Thank you so much.

Love you guys 😍😍


I turned to the intruder and scowled,"It's not funny!"

"The bartender agrees.",he pouted before snickering again as I looked apologetically at the bartender.

"Are you stalking me?",I crossed my arms.

"Oh no! I was just passing by and I saw my car so I came to claim what's mine."

I opened my purse and fished out the keys to his Lamborghini.

"There. Take what's yours.",I gave him a fake smile and turned around to go to escape him but he caught my hand.

Seriously! He did that way too often.

"Wait up, disco ball!",He whined.

"Disc...seriously? I do not look like a disco ball!"

"You are silver, shiny and when you enter, you light up the room...disco ball.", he flashed me a smile.

"Okay, that was so not up to the Adrian level of pick up line.",I laughed genuinely for the first time today.  

His clothes were basic, just a dark blue t-shirt, denims and sneakers but there was nothing basic about the way he looked. The V-neck t-shirt did a good job in showcasing his sinewy arms and his heavenly blue eyes. He was definitely drool-worthy.

I still tried to come up with a remark of my own but I was too tired of dealing with everything, I just couldn't find anything to say.

"Let's dance.",he said, hopping down from his bar stool, bringing me out of my unholy thoughts.

He left his car to me, upset. That was not more than a few hours ago and he knew how mad I was at him. Then why was he here, asking me to dance?

I shouldn't have, I knew I shouldn't have but I just didn't want to be alone, not today.

So, with much hesitation I nodded in agreement.

Adrian navigated through the dancing bodies, holding my hand tightly until we reached the middle of the dance floor and then we stood facing each other, music blaring in our ears.

I may have agreed to dance but I just realised this wasn't a ball dance with rehearsed steps. We were in a night club and here I was used to dancing like a drunk caveman because no one was usually watching me but now he was.

"Am I making you awkward?",he smiled as I continued to tiptoe at the same place, irrespective of the pace of the music.

"What? Pft. No!"

"How bad can this be? Not as bad as drunk dancing with psychopathic, murderous Blake, right?",he grinned.

"Ughh! Do not even go there!",I warned him, rolling my eyes.

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