CHAPTER 33: Thief With An Audi?

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I went to my penthouse to clear up my head. I made myself a whiskey on the rocks and sat idly in front of the T.V. in my room and fell asleep early, something which I hadn't done for quite some while.

14th December

I drove home early in the morning. I was hungry and my penthouse was out of ration. I fired the maid three days ago afterall. I walked up to the table where my family sat, along with Bryan? What was he doing here?

"Hey! What a surprise!", I said giving him a clap on the back.

"Paula insisted for me to have dinner and as you know, your house has amazing food, I couldn't resist.", Bryan grinned and then took a bite out of his steak, "Then we watched a movie...then another one and here I am."

I chuckled and sat down beside him but my joy was short-lived. A stern voice asked, "Where were you till now?"

Heat rose up to my chest. Why couldn't I feel any affection for him anymore? I terribly wanted to but his constant disapproval of me and disregard for my views made me hate him. If there was something left in our relationship, it was probably just old memories and some respect but that too only from my side.

"The penthouse.", I said. I knew what was going to follow next but I didn't correct him. Where was the fun in that?

He turned to my mother and angrily said, "Another girl! He doesn't listen to me, atleast you say something to him."

My mom began to defend me, like she always did but I cut her in between, "Why should she? This is my life, I will do what I want with it."

"If that is how it is going to be young man, please leave this house."

"Dad!!! Please." Charlotte said.

"Don't take his side, sweetheart. You too know that what he does is wrong and if he can't follow a simple rule then he shouldn't live here."

"You do deserve the trophy of Dad of the Year, don't you?", I said sarcastically.

"Speak for yourself. You are neither the son of the year, nor the businessman."

"Wow! I see what you did there. You were the one who convinced the judges to not award me last year. And guess who they gave it to? That son of a bitch, Blake Walters."

"Mind your language, Adrian!", He shouted, "What I did was for your good. You don't deserve the award of Bussiness man of the year, not until you change your ways."

"Oh! So giving away the award to a rival company's CEO was a good idea?"

"If it reminds you what you lack, then yes."

"You know what? Fine. I have already had enough drama this month to last me a lifetime." I got up, kicked my chair and stormed out of the house but not until I heard, "DON'T COME BACK HERE AGAIN!"

I walked out of the house only to find Vanessa and her dad. She must have gone to pick him up. She looked at me and frowned, "What happened?"

I ignored her question and got in my car. I turned it on and drove back to my office at full speed.


"Way to ruin someone's day! I just went back to the manor for a bloody breakfast and what I got? My dad shouting at me for no apparent reason, a speeding ticket and me shouting at a bunch of people for no apparent reason. They must think I am mad."

"Well, one of them did quit.", Bryan said making a face.

"Uggh. Now guess who's going to hire him?", I said clenching my fists.

"Walters Pacific. Every employee we lose is every employee they gained."

"And I have a terrible headache."

"Hangover or headache?", Bryan said raising his eyebrows.

"Headache!", I replied.

"Thank god. I though you hit a club without me."

I rolled my eyes and he continued, "So when do we find you a new girlfriend now that you dumped Rebecca."

"Not now. Too much on my head, especially with the Annual Global Bussiness Meet coming up three days from now."

"So you are going alone to the after party this year?"

I nodded my head to which he chuckled, "I can imagine so many tabloid headings already."

"I bet you can! But I have got to focus on helping Vanessa overshadow her fraud of a brother.", I said as I leaned back in my office chair.

"Speaking of herrrr...", Bryan smiled slyly.

"Please don't.", I knew where this was going. I told him about what Rebecca said last night and now he was just not ready to stop going on about it.


"Bryan, please!"

"I am just saying. You two have been awfully friendly this week with she doing your project, she convincing you to go home, you actually listening to her and then you going to a restaurant with her..."

"Wait, I never told you that.", I frowned.


"That I went to a restaurant with her."

"You didn't? Umm...I guess Vanessa told me that then. Oh yes, she did. When I dropped her to your house yesterday."

"Hmm...", I said remembering how weird she had acted and had asked that we rather go to Burger King.

Bryan's mobile buzzed and he looked at it, read something and then said, "Hey! Got to go. Something came up, Ok?"

"K. Bye!", I said as he left. I too put my laptop in my bag along with some files and left for my penthouse, my new home.

As I parked my Lamborghini in front of the penthouse, I noticed a blue audi which was definately not mine. That is strange! I was definately not expecting any guests. I went up to the door and turned the knob to check if something was wrong but it was still locked. Could someone have parked in the wrong space? Probably.

I unlocked it and went inside, keeping the keys on the table. I took of my shoes and I was about to switch on the lights when I heard some noise, a plastic wrapper maybe. It came from the kitchen. There was no way it was a burglur, not with an Audi.

I picked up a heavy brass vase in my hand, just in case and then slowly walked towards the kitchen, placing each foot after the other carefully, ensuring not to make a sound.

Whoever it was certainly did a big mistake as to creep into my house, especially when I was having such a bad day.

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