Final Author's Note

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A/N: I can't believe that this is the last time I will be hitting publish for a chapter or note for A Trade Of Hearts.

I am feeling overwhelmed with emotions and it's hard to imagine how far I have come since I first started writing this story, both as a person and as a writer.

Writing this story has been just as much of an emotional rollercoaster for me as the story of Adrian and Vanessa's relationship has been.

I started writing A Trade Of Hearts mid-October in 2017, when I was fourteen.

Exactly three years later, it is finally completed. (Three years ago...guess I liked the phrase a little too much😂)

I cannot thank you enough for waiting patiently for updates, for commenting heartfelt messages, for laughing and crying and getting mad at characters with me.

I had a question in mind but due to my biases I can't figure it out. Purely based on behaviour, what zodiac signs do you think the characters have?

Do leave reviews so I can publish the first five under the story description and keep the rest to read whenever I need encouragement to write something new.

The ideas for this something new are already cooking in my head but it is going to take some time before I pen it down because I want to go back to edit this book first and smooth out imperfections and continuity errors, wherever I find them.

I hope you liked reading this story just as much as I did.

Signing off (for now).

Yours lovingly,

Tanya or thedarkempress2123

Love you guys😍😍

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