CHAPTER 32: Kitty Cats

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My anger and disgust for Rebecca took control over my body and before I knew my hand was in contact with Rebecca's face.

She was equally shocked with my reaction as she looked back at me, once she regained her balance, with wide eyes and her palm covering her left cheek.

"You...", She screamed and charged at me.

The very next moment, I found myself on the floor with Rebecca pulling at a fistful of my hair and me trying to do the same while punching her at the same time.

After we both had thrown a couple of punches and slaps in, flinging out the worst abuses that we had ever heard, a strong pair of arms pulled me up and away from her, with a tight grip on my waist just in case I tried to make my way back to Rebecca, which right now was all I wanted. Her fate was not so different from mine as she too was pulled away from me by Bryan and was struggling to get loose.

I looked at her with a spiteful gaze, still trying to catch my breath. She looked miserable with her braided updo all over her face, her makeup smeared and the strap of her, probably new, red bodycon dress torn and hanging at the side.

I knew that I looked no better. My beautiful cape blazer was in pieces and my shirt lacked its top two buttons. Moreover,my hair tie was missing and my head hurt terribly.

Rebecca narrowed her eyes at me and then began acidly, "You have n..."

Before she could finish, a loud voice boomed across the room from behind me saying,"THAT IS ENOUGH!!!". As the source was right behind me, still holding me a captive, I winced.

Adrian finally let go of me and I stumbled before I could properly stand up, owing to the now broken heel of my Louboutin stilletos.

"Vanessa, apologise to her.", Adrian stated, his eyes turning dangerously dark.

"Excuse me?", I widened my eyes in surprise. She was the one who began this feud, I was just leaving. Did he not see that?

He said, "You want to inherit a company when you can't even apologise? If you are the CEO, you represent the company and then if anyone makes a mistake, you are liable and..."

I interrupted him as soon as I came up with a come back, "Says the person who won't apologise himself."

"Huh?", He frowned. Bryan got the context and pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh while Rebecca, now finally free from Bryan's grasp, stood next to him trying to fix her broken strap.

A wicked smile grew on my face as I said,"For your outburst in the morning, after I did the presentation which landed you this project, why don't you apologise first?"

He shook his head, "Low blow!"

"I don't think so." I smirked as he ran his hand through his hair, debating what to do next. When he couldn't find anything else to do, he sighed and widened my eyes in amusement when he said, "Bryan just drop her home. Rebecca, come with me."

Well, "the best way to not lose in a game is to abandon it" seems like Adrian's favorite strategy.

I looked at Bryan coyly as he dramatically said, "One day, Adrian will have your head!"

I giggled triumphantly and ditched my broken stilettos,which would have made me look like a freaking duck if I tried to balance in them and I believed that I had caused enough embarrassment for a day.

Next, I walked down with Bryan to the parking lot joking about how I just gave him a lottery ticket as he could now meet his beloved at her home without raising any eyebrows.


I stopped my Maserati in front of Rebecca's house.

She furrowed her brows, "My place. That is unusual."

I pressed my lips together and stoically stated, "Rebecca, this is not going to work out."

"I don't understand?"

"We are breaking up."

The expression on her face was that of defeat. She said as her voice began to break, "Just like that? May I at least know...why?"

"You really don't know or you are just trying to act clueless?"

She lowered her eyes and said, "What happened between Vanessa and me today, is it because of that?"

"You have no idea what that little publicity stunt of yours almost cost us when you threw wine at Vanessa.You and her, I don't think are ever going to be friends and I swear to god, I cannot tolerate any more drama."

"That can't cost us our relationship? I promise it won't happen again, I do.", she said as she clutched onto my arm.

"Relationship? Love, you do know this was just a fling, don't you? I don't do relationships.", I said as emotionlessly as I did when I broke it to Arabella, a week ago.

"So this, what we had, it meant nothing to you?"

"Well what do you know? Yes, Santa Claus doesn't exist and yes the tabloids about me, saying that I am a heartless playboy might actually be true.", I smiled sarcastically.

She clenched her jaw, the hurt evident in her eyes. She looked at me one last time and then opened the car door and left.

I guess I spoke too soon! She turned around to face me again and asked me, "Do you have feelings for her?"

"Her? Who?"

"Vanessa.", she said, narrowing her eyes accusingly.

I shifted my gaze from her onto the wind shield, trying to channel my thoughts and process her question.

Vanessa? Have I ever thought of her that way? I blinked my eyes and snapped out of my trail of thoughts. Why was I even thinking about this? I hate her, right?

I looked back at Rebecca, who was still waiting for a reply and said, "No, I don't." I felt like clarifying why I took so much time to reply but I held myself back. Who was she, anyway? And why the hell should I explain myself to her.

She nodded her head and forced a pained smile on her face as she said, "I see. Goodbye, Adrian."

And after that she left, for finality this time. I drove back home but I still had a pit in my stomach. My mind went back to Rebecca's question, I don't know why?

Vanessa was beautiful, no doubt about that. I also had never felt guilty about making someone cry before as I had with her. We shared a unique dynamic, different than what I had with anyone before but...feelings? That was a very strong word. Especially for me since I hated commitments in relationships.

I was surprised but it is true, hating her had become a question now, it wasn't an assertion anymore. I had no clue why, but she just grew on me .I didn't know what I should call my relationship with her?


What the hell is happening?

I have never felt so confused in my life before!

A/N: Hey,
How did you like this chapter and what do you think is going on? Sorry for the late update, I was busy with some term tests.

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