CHAPTER 38: Dreaming In The Dark

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One of the hotel's staff members unlocked the door to our room '1526' and I just stood outside, thinking what a bad idea this was.

What could go wrong? Well, firstly someone could see me in his room and label me as his trophy girlfriend number - I don't know what. This could also end up in a freaking magazine, jeopardise the partnership since every decision that Adrian took in my favour would be seen as bias and even if none of that happened, where was I going to sleep? On the sofa? I was so not going to accept sleeping on the bed and make him sleep on the sofa of the room he booked, even if he offered which I highly doubted, he would.

I walked inside the room, observing it. From its size I assumed that it was a luxury suite and since it belonged to Adrian, I had expected nothing less. The same colour scheme of daffodil yellow and white as in the lobby was present here too. There were the basic furniture sets present in every hotel room, except the fact that there was an entire wall made up of glass, overlooking the mesmerising city of Cairo and the bed was enormous, with an expensive duvet and a stack of fluffy pillows but that was certainly not in my fate.

For me, there was a three-seater seater sofa which I believed I could squeeze into without much difficultly and with a little bit of indifference towards the non-cushiony seats.

So, I flopped down on it in an unlady-like manner after I took my shoes off and borrowed a pillow from the bed. I took my phone out of my bag and began scrolling through the messages.

Once our bags had arrived, Adrian sat on the bed and began typing something on his laptop. No conversation followed for it was just too awkward. Constantly we ended up in situations where we had to spend time together. He had slowly grown on me and except for a few things I didn't mind him but his presence did bother me when we were in such close proximities.

While I was still on my phone, my eyelids became heavy and my synapses started to shutter. So, I let the jet lag kick in and slipping my phone onto the table, I fell into deep slumber.


The Christmas tree was huge and even though it was yet to be lit up, it looked beautiful. I stood in front of it like countless others though I was the only one alone, rest everyone was with their families. I choose to ignore it and looked back up at the tree but then something or rather someone caught my eye. I walked towards her, weaving my way through the crowd but the brunette saw me and broke into a run. She ran into a building and I followed her up the stairs. Suddenly we were face to face, on top of a tall building and I saw a pair of accusing hazel eyes, drilling holes into my soul. But then she did the unexpected. Saying, "I hate you", she ran to the edge of the roof and jumped, not looking back at me.

I reached my hand out for her, screaming,"JENNIFER!" and turned only to fall down on a cold, hard surface. I fluttered my eyes open, cursing and rubbing my lower back that I had landed flat on.

I blinked a few times to get accustomed to the dimly lit room. I breathed heavily as beads of sweat trickled down my face. Though the air conditioner was on, my clothes were soaked and was hot. Slowly the surroundings registered in my brain and I realised, I was still in the hotel room and it had just been a nightmare, a very vivid nightmare and I decided not to infer meanings and delve into my haunting past.

I stood up from the floor, the cold hard surface I had fallen onto and took a step forward but then a jolt of pain hit me, crawling up my legs and towards my arms. I might have fit in the sofa but it was not comfortable at all. Thank god it was just a one day stay. Tonight I would sleep in my own room, in a cozy bed and with amazing room service.

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