CHAPTER 37: Murphy's Law

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I called my dad as I sat down on the lounge sofa but he didn't pick up. My frustration began to grow as for a fact, I knew that all the other rooms in this hotel were booked, considering that all the events of the meet were to be held here. Staying at another hotel and travelling here every day was out of question but still I did call up two of the nearby hotels which too were completely booked, December being the peak tourist season.

I decided to call his secretary next who I was certain would respond.

"Hello? This is the Hudson Enterprises main office. How may I help you?"

"Hey, This is Vanessa. Where is dad?"

"Umm...he just left for the hospital with Nate."

That explains why he didn't pick up my calls.

"Could you please call him urgently. Actually, conference call him."

"Ok ma'am."

I heard her dial his number followed by three rings and then he picked up the call. He said, "Hello! Samantha? Anything urgent?"

I impatiently said, "Hi dad, it's me."

"This is a conference call?", He asked.

"Yes, sir.", she replied.

I felt like I heard a sigh from the other end, which one I wasn't sure but I had my suspicions on dad.

"I saw your missed calls, Vanessa. Anything urgent?", he repeated.

What does he mean by he saw my missed calls and if he saw them, why didn't he reply? Wait! Was he trying to insult me in front of his secretary? No! Vanessa, you are overthinking!

"Dad, the hotel receptionist is saying that there is no room booked under your name for today. I don't understand."

"Samantha, Help her out with this. I got to go. Talk to you later, Nessa.", Dad said and with that he cut the call.

So much for building broken bridges and celebrating Christmas together.

" Just check into your systems and see what is wrong.", I instructed her.

"That won't be required ma'am. I cancelled the booking for all three rooms under Mr. Hudson's name yesterday. I wasn't aware that you were still travelling. There must have been some misunderstanding at my end."

No. I am pretty sure that in his excitement of becoming a grandfather, Dad forgot to mention I still existed.

"That is ok. I'll arrange for something.", I said, rolling my eyes, "If dad calls back to ask about me, just tell him, I found a room."

I cut the call and tossed my phone into my handbag and massaged my temples, trying to control the bile rising in my throat and get rid of the urge to punch someone in the face.

The receptionist who had already passed me looks of disapproval, came up to me and said, "Ma'am, I am sorry but if you are not staying here, I will have to ask you to leave."

Icing on the cake! Now I am getting kicked out of the hotel too.

I smiled at him as falsely as I could, not even putting in effort to mask my irritation and then I picked up my two suitcases and handbag and walked out of the lobby and away from the best event that I was about to experience.

On my way out, I saw a man getting his suitcases unloaded. If I hadn't been living under the same roof as him for over half a month I wouldn't have recognised him. I rolled my eyes as I thought to myself how his billionaire ass always traveled on private jets and didn't have to bother about security checks and customs.

A part of me wanted to ask him for some kind of help but the other part was too proud and I listened to it, walking past him. I was a nomad now, in a city I wasn't quite aware of and that to in the middle of the night. Some faraway hotel would have to do.

My heart began to burn in frustration until I was suddenly spun around and my brown eyes met two dark blue ones. I didn't know what to say or feel so I stood there for a moment, just staring at him and finding and finding an eerie comfort in them.

He asked, "Where are you going?", bringing me out of my questionable thoughts.

"I...uh...was going to the nearest hotel. Dad's secretary accidentally cancelled my booking as well, "I lied.

He narrowed his eyes and then asked me, "You want me to believe that?"

"I do. I am going there."

"Nice try but William called me already."

"He did?", I widened my eyes, not believing what I heard. Dad had sounded so distant and unaffected earlier.

"Yes. Maybe he is not as bad as you think, afterall.", He suggested.

"Same goes for Matthew.", I smiled.

Adrian scoffed, "There is no comparison between them. And anyways, let's not go there or else I would lose my intentions of helping you."

I shook my head and then walked back inside with him. The receptionist rolled his eyes, seeing me again. He definitely has an attitude problem.

Adrian asked for his room and the receptionist, whose name was Mosiah according to his name tag, happily handed him his keys and checked him in. Adrian briefly looked at me and then leaning towards the receptionist and being barely audible, he said, "There is not even a single vacant room."

"If there was, sir, I would have surely given it to her.", Mosiah said looking at me.

"What if I pay double.", Adrian tried to bribe him.

I opened my mouth to protest against this immoral behaviour but my desperation weighed down on my conscience and thus I kept my lips sealed.

He forced a professional smile on his face and looked at Adrian and then said," I am sorry sir. My professional integrity wouldn't allow me to do that."

"Alright. What about triple?", Adrian said, increasing his offer.

"I am really sorry sir but my hands are tied and I can't help you. If there is anything else you need, please let me know."

Adrian narrowed his eyes, pressing his lips in a thin line. He was going to threaten Mosiah's employment, brag about his friendship with the owner, etc but I grabbed his arm. He looked back at me and raised an eyebrow questioningly to which I replied,"Just let it be. I will find another place to stay."

"At 2:30 a.m.? I knew you were a bit on the crazy side but I didn't know you were that insane."

"Adrian, I...", I protested but then he interrupted me, " Why don't we figure this out tomorrow with a clear head. And for now, you could stay with me."

"What do you mean, stay with you?"

"You have stayed over at my place once already, am I right?", He asked me to which I nodded lightly.

"So? What's the problem?"

"Nothing. I just...umm...Let's go.", I said with a suppressed sigh.

This was going to be one hell of a trip!

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