CHAPTER 24: Imperfectly Perfect Ohana

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Dedicated to gsripriya. Thanks for the votes and comments.


William was skimming through the various newspapers, strewn across the center table, in the drawing room. I folded my arms across my chest and asked, "So?"

"I'm still looking. I haven't found anything yet.", He said tossing away another newspaper on the sofa.

I googled for yesterday's party on my mobile and within seconds, I found several articles, tweets and posts about it. I sat down to go through each one of them but found nothing about the wine incident. It was like it never happened. Hmmm...that's interesting. I closed the site and looked back at William. I asked, "Anything?"

He dropped the last newspaper on the table and ran his hand through his toussled grey hair and flopped back on the sofa with a sigh of relief, "No. Not a word."

"Where's Vanessa?".

"I checked. She hasn't come back since last night...I hope she just doesn't do anything stupid.", William sighed.

I nodded and went back to my office room. I opened my laptop to look through mails, most of which were congratulating us for the partnership but then one e-mail caught my attention.

It was from Vanessa to me with the subject: "Apology For Misbehaviour"

"Mr. Adrian Greys,

Firstly, thank you so much for attending the party. This partnership would not have been possible without your support.

Please allow me to apologize for my behavior at the party on Friday, 9th December 2016. It was extremely inappropriate and lacked the respect that you most rightfully deserved. It was a disruption and distracted others from the event as well. However, in the future, I have every intention of curbing my thoughtless actions and learn to adjust my behavior befitting the environment and situation.

Again, I am sorry for my actions and I hope that we can put this matter behind us. I look forward to working with you and learning from your experience in bussiness, in the process. Thank you again for being so understanding.

Vanessa Hudson
Branch Head

I closed the flap of my laptop. She must have sent this to every single one of the two eighty nine guests, except Rebecca and probably Nate. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, absent-mindedly rolling an egg shaped paper weight between my hands.

A little while later I decided to go upstairs and see what my sisters were up to. I knocked at Charlotte's door. It was funny but ever since we were kids, she has hated me entering her room without permission. She used to call it a "No Boys Zone" and I don't know why but this habit had stuck with me to date.

"Come in!", she merrily said. I opened the door only to find her and Cassandra, flopped on the bed while Kevin was sitting on the carpet, drawing something.

"Hey!", Cassandra said from behind her mobile.

I folded the sleeves of my shirt up to elbows, trying to make each fold as symmetric as the last one and then sat down on the bed next to Charlotte.

"So what's up?", I asked.

"Nothing. Just trying to have a conversation with this mobile addict.", Charlotte chuckled.

I quickly snatched her mobile phone, an Iphone 6 and asked, "Who are you texting?"

"What the hell? No, give it back!"

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