CHAPTER 15: Familiar Faces

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A/N: Yes! This is my best cliffhanger so far!

*people try to throw shoes and knives at me*

OK! Sorry but you will have to wait for an year! 😅😅😅

This is the last update of 2017 and that is why it is by far the longest one!

I feel emotional already! Thanks to you all for being so patient and I hope you like my writing style.

We reached #40 this week again and I got a lot of new followers so thanks a lot guys!😍


Adrian loved to collect cars and one in specific had really caught my eye.

Since no one was home today, I used it as an opportunity to take his black Lamborghini on a test drive.

I knew he was going to kill me but I was not going to blow up my chance to drive a Lamborghini for that, not in a million years.

I asked the guard for the keys, got into the car and left. I switched on the radio and listening to songs, reached Greys & Co with a stupid smile plastered on my face.

As I got out of the car, the people around me stopped to look at me and the car, I could only imagine the awe that Adrian would get every time he tossed his keys to the valet.

It was a shame that dad spent more time buying golf clubs than beauties like this one.

I made it a point to buy myself a Lamborghini as soon as I could, once I became the CEO of Hudson Enterprises.

I walked up to Adrian's office and saw Arabella.

Poor girl!

I don't get how Adrian can switch from girl to girl so easily but anyways, his life, I didn't have to do anything with it so why should I bother?

I just waved, "Hi!"

She did not reply. She just picked up her phone and redialed a number,"Hello! Sir, Vanessa is here."

"Um...hum...Ok!", and she kept the phone down.

"This way", she gave me a typical secretary smile as she opened the door to Adrian's cabin.

It was very large and almost blinding. The other cubicles were bright with lots of windows and white as the theme. His cabin was dark. Brown and black were the prominent colours. It looked cold ,very masculine and smelled of a strong cologne.

I could never imagine sitting in a room like this. I needed flowers, bright light and decorations in my room. Here, on one side of the room, there was a sofa, a television, a huge clock and a small book shelf.

On the other side was Adrian's office table behind which he was sitting, engrossed in typing something.

All across the wall were hung the various awards he had earned. Matthew Greys might have been a great entrepreneur but it was under Adrian that the company became so powerful.

Today, it had several branches and clients all over the world. He would have been my role model if he just wasn't so...him.

Arabella lightly coughed to get Adrian's attention. Adrian, without looking up, said,"I know that she is here! Vanessa, take a seat."

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