Chapter 4

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You could feel the humid air sticking to your body like extra sweat; rain would soon fall. A knock sounded on the door, "Y/n? Are you awake?"

"Yeah hold on."

"Just come down stairs when you're ready."

You pulled up hard on the thin black pants, jumping to fit them over your body. Putting on the wrap was a little harder but you managed. With one last look around the room to make sure you weren't forgetting anything, you let yourself out. Happily you trailed down the stairs, "Hiccup?"


You walked around the corner and saw him, "Morning."

"I hope you don't mind, we have quite a few chores today."

"Oh no, Of course. I'm happy to help!"

Hiccup smiled at you and set the stew down at the table. You lept up to get the bread on the counter and started to break it into smaller pieces for you and Hiccup. The stew, leftover from the dinner last night, boiled lamb bones, beans, peas, carrots and turnips. The two of you sat at the wooden table in a comfortable silence, eating your breakfast. Where was the chief, Hiccup's dad?

Once the pot was empty and you and Hiccup were both full, you decided to ask about his dad.

"Where's your dad?"

"Chiefly duties. You get it." Hiccup was roaming around the house grabbing what looked to be different pieces of Toothless' saddle.

You nodded in reassurance, "Speaking of duties, we have some stuff to do, let's get the dragons some food. I'll go get them up- can you go around back and drag the fish basket?"

"Yeah of course."

Hiccup opened the door, and let you exit first. The two of you went your separate ways, you moved to the right going around the back of the house. The large baskets of fish sat just where Hiccup had said they would be. You grabbed two, one you swung over your right shoulder and the other you had to drag behind you.

Hiccup had woken the dragons up and was messing with something on Toothless' saddle. It was quite cute actually, d/n was sitting up behind him, practically falling over him to get a better look at what he was doing. When she saw you she dropped to the side and bounded on all fours towards you. You dropped the basket on your shoulder and pushed it so the fish would spill over. D/n dug through the basket, inhaling the assortment of fish. Toothless whined, "Hold up bud," You said dragging the second basket over to him. After the fish spilled he happily ate it up.

The four of you soared over Berk on the way to Gobber's shop where Hiccup said he needed to go. Hiccup busied himself with his work once you had arrived. The dragons played-

D/n rolled on her tummy, Toothless jumped onto her head and put his arms around her. With both of their ears held high, they rolled and jumped like kittens. Y/n, having nothing else to do, ran out to play with them. Y/n jumped right in, you pushed as they pawed and rolled over when they gently pushed you. Toothless pushed his nose into your belly pinning you down. D/n rammed him off of you but she stepped on you with her back foot.

"Aargh!" you curled over as she quickly moved off of you.

Hiccup came running out, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." You stood up and brushed some of the dirt off of yourself, "She didn't step down hard- she just didn't know where her foot was."

 D/n was upset, she cuddled into you and whined for forgiveness, "It's okay d/n! We were playing, injuries are bound to occur!"

Se cooed once again and sat up on her hind legs, Toothless attempted to play again but d/n refused and pushed him away.

"Thanks for the concern, Haddock."

"Yeah- well I wouldn't want you to have a broken rib or something." He scratched the back of his neck, "I guess it's in my nature to be a bit motherly."

I smiled at him and laughed lightly. He smiled back, "Lunch?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

D/n was still wound up so the two of you decided to walk.

"The way you ride Toothless is amazing. The two of you are completely in sync."

"Not too bad yourself. I think I've said it before but you and D/n have an amazing connection."

"I love her so much- look who I'm talking to!" Hiccup blushed, "you know how it is."

"Yeah- I know."

"And to think, there are still tons of people who still hunt and kill dragons without a second thought. If only they knew the amount of love the dragons can have for you!"

Hiccup nodded, "I know exactly how you feel."

"I want to show, everyone. Ya' know?"

"Yeah. I completely get it. Once you gain a dragon's trust, there is nothing that they won't do for you."

"I agree. I mean think about when I landed here, D/n shielded me from the elements and was ready to fight you to keep us safe."

"She was."

"Has Toothless ever done stuff like that for you?"

Hiccup chuckled, "Yeah, he saves my butt all the time."

You smiled slightly at Hiccup.

The Great Hall was starting to crowd with vikings when you two arrived. This time the smell of lamb was strong, along with some disgustingly stale bread and some vegetables. Again the two of you sat down in a back corner, quieter area of the hall. Astrid joined you at some point and the conversation picked up, you all started talking about dragon trust again. Jointly they told the story of how Hiccup had shot Toothless down back when Berk was still fighting dragons, and that's how Toothless had lost his tail fin. The story continued mainly from Hiccup, but Astrid added her own opinions here and there that really helped to understand how she felt while all the dragon training was happening. Even after most of the other vikings were gone Hiccup and Astrid continued the tale of dragon training. It was a particularly spectacle story, and you were eager to hear more but Astrid's dad called her and she had to leave. After that Y/n and Hiccup headed home where the dragons already lay together, much closer than they had their first night. 

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