It's Time

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Six Months Later

I wake up and remember Zeke is having a Truth of Dare party soon. I get out of bed and shower. By the time I get back in the room, Tobias is out of bed and walking to the shower. I hold my stomach as I always do, and get a black tank top, black shorts, and black flip flops. Tobias and I arrive at Zeke's apartment for the game and, no surprise, Uriah "calls" first.

"Tris! Choose you fate!" Uriah says, very loudly.

"I'll go with truth, I don't want to do anything too risky with the twins due in three weeks." I say.

"Okay, when did you get pregnant? And why?" Uriah asks, wiggling his eyebrows. I turn red.

"Nine months ago, which was October, right after the wedding. And because we love each other! Duh!" I say.

"Lynn, T or D?" I ask.

"Dare!" She yells.

"Okay. Go and ask the first person you see to play seven minutes with you, if they say no slap them, if they say yes slap them. And get me Dauntless cake after please." I say.

"Okay," she says. Dauntless cake is one of my cravings. She sees Peter and Eric. Eric says yes and so does Peter. She slaps them both then runs and gets cake. We all crack up.

"What the hell are you doing?" Eric asks.

"Playing Truth or Dare," Tobias answers between laughs.

"We're in," Peter says. We walk back in and we all sit in the circle.

Lynn gets back and hands me the peice of cake. I finish it in one minute.

"Peter, Candor or Dauntless?" Lynn asks him.

"Dauntless!" He yells.

"Go into the Pit wearing lingerie screaming you are from Amity and you love your boobies," Lynn says.

"Fine," says Peter. He goes to the bathroom to change and comes out in a black slip. Christina and I follow him into the Pit.

"I'm from Amity and I love my boobies!" Peter screams at the top of his lungs. We crack up and walk back in.

"Okay, Tris. Truth or Dare?" Peter asks me.

"Dare, but make it simple. I'm pregnant," I say, glaring at him. Just then I feel the sudden urge to go to the bathroom. After I finish I stand up. There is water everywhere. That can only mean one thing. I pull my shorts up and scream, "Tobias!" As loud as I can.

"What? What's wrong?" He says fast.

"They're coming, I'm in labor." I say, I'm shaking. Tobias picks me up bridal style, and runs to the hospital. The others are following closely behind. I start getting contractions, I scream every couple of minutes. We reach the hospital.

"She's in labor, she has been for the past 10 minutes. We need a room, now!" Tobias talks fast, gasping for breaths. She leads us to a room and Tobias puts me on a bed. She says I'm only dilated three centimeters.

~Time lapse~

I hold two beautiful babies in my arms. Keith and Emily. I love them so much, I cannot explain it. This is my family, the family I made, and I will do everything I can to protect them. Even if that means I will die, that's how much I love them. Tobias walks in and hugs me.

"We can go home now, it's been two days." He says. I smile and get out of the bed. My stomach is back to normal. When I walk out of the hospital room, the others are standing there with balloons and stuffed animals.

"Surprise!" They all yell. The babies wake up and cry. I hand Keith to Tobias and rock Emily myself.

"Sorry!" They whisper yell. I laugh quietly, shaking my head. We go back to the apartment and lay them down in their rooms. We close the doors and walk out.

"Tris, I'm scared I'm going to be like my dad." He tells me.

"Tobias, you will nothing like him. You would have to choose to be like that, and honestly, if you were, I'd kick your ass right out." I say to him. He chuckles.

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