Stage 2

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Stage one went well, only Keith, Emily, Nicki, Candy, and Anna are left. I don't know why, but no transfers left. Only five of ours. Don't ask why, I'm not sure. At least this round only transfers will be eliminated, then there is a huge chance for all of them to make it. I am so happy. We take the twins at the same time.

"Keith, Emily, we know you're divergent. It's okay that we know, so are we. But if anyone, and I mean anyone else finds out, you will be killed. Now, in simulations is the easiest way to find them. What you'll need to do is slow your heart rate. Do not try to fight it or face it head on. Understand?" Tobias says. They nod. We inject them gently, and tell them what Tobias said to me last year.

Before the simulation takes them, I say, "Be brave Emily and Keith." Tobias smiles to me. Keith has the crows and does a wonderful job of slowing his heart rate. So does Emily, but she's claustrophobic. They come out and look petrified.

"It's alright, it's over." Tobias says. Emily curls up with her head in her knees, but Keith just stares at the wall without blinking. I have to suppress my laughter. I out my hand on Emily's back and she punches me in the gut.

"Don't touch me!" She says, whining. I wonder if that's what I sounded like?

Tobias stands in front of Keith to break his stare. Keith snaps his gaze to Tobias's face and calms. We walk with them back to the dormitory. No other initiates are divergent.

~Tine lapse~

By the end of Stage one, these are the rankings.

1. Emily

2. Keith

3. Nicki

4. Candy

5. Anna

Six through fifteen are transfers. Next stage only one initiate will leave. I hope it's a transfer, they suck at simulations.

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