Choosing Ceremony

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Sixteen Years Later

I stand with Keith and Emily at my sides, Tobias behind us. We walk to the trains where Keith, Emily, Tobias, and I will go to the Choosing Ceremony. I know for a fact, that both our children are divergent. That's why they almost have to pick Dauntless again. I know they will, they love it here and their family is here. We arrive there and, no surprise, they both pick Dauntless. So do Christina and Will's kid, Charlie. Keith has his fathers eyes, height, and hair. They look almost identical. Emily looks like me, except about three inches taller. We get back to the compound and Lauren and Uriah take the transfers this year. Tobias and I take the Dauntless-Borns. The first jumper falls and she's from Candor. She looks exactly like Christina. Christina wanted to come to the net this year because she said she has a sister that will probably pick Dauntless. In fact, that's her.

"Anna! It's you!" Screeches Christina. They embrace.

"First jumper, Anna!" Tobias yells. There are eight transfers and nine Dauntless-Borns. Most of our friends had kids the same year, in fact, they all did. Zeke and Shauna's is named Candy and Uriah and Marlene's is named Nicki. Four of the nine we know. Good, we can make sure they all stay. We don't know the transfers, but the other Dauntless-Borns are named Tracy, Sandy, Heather, Annie, and Abby.

"Okay, Dauntless-Borns," Tobias starts when we get to the end of the tunnel. "This is Six and I am Four. We are your initiation instructors. Follow us, we have about ten minutes until lunch." We go to the training room and decide to teach them about shooting guns. I explain it and demonstrate. It hits the dead center. By about five minutes, later everyone has hit the middle of their targets.

"Alright, I guess we can learn knifes too then. Six, go ahead." Tobias tells me, with an evil smile on his face. I go and stand in front of the target, cross my arms, smirk, and wait. He picks up ten knifes. He throws the first and I act like I could care less. I close my eyes, keep my arms folded, and cross my legs. He throws the next and I open my eyes slowly. He throws the others and every time, getting a little closer to me. I know he would never hurt so I'm not worried. By the last knife is so close I thought it hit me in the head but I didn't feel a sting.

"Now, we expect you to know how to throw like that. Go!" Tobias says. They do as told and are finished in five minutes. We let them off to lunch and leave when they're all out. We sit with Zeke, Shauna, Uriah, Marlene, Christina, and Will.

"How's Candy doing?" Shauna asks nervously.

"Wonderful, all of them. Except for that Abby girl. She tall, but too big of legs to be fast. She has no muscle, she's all skin and bones. She's going to be out by the end of stage one." I say.

"Well that sucks," Christina says, obviously relived Charlie is doing good.

"Anyway, I had an idea. How about we train our kids and all of yours for some extra practice to make sure they make it?" I suggest.

"That's great!" Uriah says.

"What time every night?" Will asks.

"How about from ten to eleven every night until the end of initiation?" Tobias says.

"Great! Okay, well you three have training and we have to get back to work, so bye." Zeke says, gesturing to Uriah, Tobias, and I. Then to the rest.

"Bye," we all say.

"Initiates!" Tobias, Uriah, and I yell very loud at the same time. The transfers jump out of their seats, but the Dauntless-Borns just turn, unfazed.

"We are learning fighting skills now, follow us." I tell the Dauntless-Borns. They do as told and we end up in the training room. Tobias demonstrates, then they try for them self's. They all pick it up. Except Abby.

"Why can you not pick this up like the other initiates?  You will have to do better than that to be Dauntless," I say, turn on my heel, and walk over to Tobias. Abby continues to eye Tobias and giggle when she misses the punching bag. I laugh at how stupid she looks.

"Why does she keep looking at me?" Tobias whispers to me.

"She's flirting, I don't think she's Dauntless. Everyone knows we're together," I whisper back.

"Don't worry, there's only one girl for me." He says, he smiles and puts his arm around my waist when she looks back over at us.

We finish and make the pairings in our apartment when we get home. Zeke, Shauna, Uriah, Marlene, Christina, and Will come over and insist to make the pairings with us.

"So honestly, Emily and Keith are the best. We'll pair them up." I say, and write it down on the board.

"Wonder who they got that from," Zeke says. Tobias raises his hand.

"Definitely not me," I say. They all laugh. "Alright, next is the rest of your kids and Anna, then all the others, then Abby."

"Okay, well can Nicki fight Candy?" Marlene asks.

"Yeah!" Shauna, Zeke, and Uriah all yell together.

"Okay," I say, and write it down. "Charlie can fight Anna if you want, Christina?"

"Okay!" Christina says.

"Okay, I guess they can fight." Will says, I write that down.

"Alright, let's start. Four, get the kids please." I say after we decide the other pairings.

"Okay," he says. He walks into Keith's room and comes out with everyone's kids and Anna. We walk to the training room and tell them to get in the arena.

"Now, if you want to win, you will have to have the perfect technique. You will also have to expose your opponents weaknesses." I say.

~Time lapse~

After we finished with the kids last night, we all immediately went to sleep. Today are the fights. Emily and Keith take thirty minutes, which is the cut off for a tie. Neither of them have a scratch on them self's. They did amazing though. Nicki ends up winning her fight, and Charlie his.

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