Candor or Dauntless?

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"Hey," I say to Tobias grimly. I can't believe my children are already grown up.

"Hey, Tris. What's wrong?" He asks me, concerned.

"Nothing, it's just that, our kids are already grown up. They have their own apartments, jobs, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, it's just hard." I say, almost in tears. He encloses me in his arms.

"Tris, they're okay. They know how to take care of themselves," he says into my hair. I burst into tears and cry against his chest.

"I love you, Tobias." I say.

"I love you, too." He says. He hugs me and I kiss him. He kisses back and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him harder. He carries me toward the bedroom. He opens the door, closes it, and sets me on the bed. All without breaking the kiss. He lays down next to me and I roll on top of him. We kiss for a while. My hands slide under his shirt. I start to take his shirt off as he takes mine.

~Time lapse~

We go to Uriah's because he's having a Truth or Dare party. Again. We get ready and head over there. Emily and Keith and coming, plus Emily's boyfriend. Charlie. Keith's girlfriend is coming, too. Nicki.

"Hey," I say when we arrive. Everyone's already there.

"Finally! It's about time!" Lynn says.

"Shut up," Shauna says.

"Me first!" Uriah screams. Not a surprise. "Emily, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless!" She yells.

"Seven minutes in heaven with Charlie," Uriah says. Tobias gives him a death glare. He used to be super overprotective, but he's pretty much backed off now. He still doesn't like for her to be in a closet with a boy. They come back out looking like there was an earthquake.

"Mom, T or D?" She asks me.

"Dauntless!" I exclaim.

"I dare you to go and kiss the first person you see in the hallway for at least a minute," she says.

"Okay," I say shrugging. I see Eric! I swear he is everywhere! Uriah and Zeke come, but Tobias doesn't want to watch. Zeke brings a timer. I walk up to Eric and kiss him. At first he tries to pull away, but he kisses back almost right away. He deepens it and tries to take my shirt off. I don't let him. He moves his hands to my butt and the timer goes off.

"Thank God!" I say and pull away and run to Zeke's apartment. Uriah and Zeke follow right after, with Eric tailing right behind. We get back and I try to slam the door, but he grabs it. I run to sit next to Tobias in the circle and Eric walks in.

"What in the hell are you doing?" He screams.

"Playing Truth or Dare," Keith states. Eric turns red. Tobias tries to suppress a laugh, but fails miserably.

"Is he the one you had to kiss?" Tobias asks me.

"Ya," I say. "Okay, Eric. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," he says.

"I dare you to... kiss your crush." I say. He gets up and walks toward Tobias. I'm about to break into a fit of laughs until he kisses me. I pull away immediately, but he just pulls me back. I pull away but he picks me up and carries me away, running as fast as he can toward his apartment. He carries the struggling me to his bedroom and drops me on his bed. He locks every door and laugh madly.

"These," he says, pounding the wall. "Are soundproof walls." He says, smiling madly. He walks toward me and lays on the bed and kisses me. I pull away but he smacks me. Hard. I tear up and he kisses me. He kisses me harder and takes my shirt off. I continue trying to get him to stop, but fail. "If you don't stop struggling, I will kill you!" He yells. "Would you treat Four like this?" He questions.

"No," I whisper, honestly I'm scared.

"What?" He yells.

"No," I say. He kisses me and I try to pull away. His hands travel down my body to my butt. He kisses my neck. I pull away.

"I am not letting you get away again Tris Prior!" He says.

"It's Eaton," I say in a smart tone.

"Not anymore," he says. Then I hear a pounding on the door. I guess it's only sound proof one way.

"Get in the bathroom, now!" He orders. I do as he says, because I know he can hurt me. Even kill me. He opens the door.

"Where is she? Where's Tris?" A voice screams, very loud. Tobias!

"She's gone," Eric says. I want to scream, but I know he would hurt me.

"No she isn't! Tris! I know you're in there! I'm coming!" He screams, I hear kicking on the door. I step back and the door comes down. Tobias runs to me and picks me up. He runs out and kicks Eric on the way. We get back to our apartment and I burst into tears. "Tris, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Tobias asks while enveloping me in his arms. I cry into his chest. I shake my head and he kisses the top of my head.

"I need to shower," I say between sobs. He nods and lets go of me. I go to the closet and get my pajamas. I walk to the bathroom and shower. When I finish I brush my hair and teeth and get into bed. Tobias climbs in after me and wraps me in his arms. I start to cry again.

"Tris, what did he do to you?" Tobias asks. I shake my head, I don't want to talk about it. "Tris?" He says more forcefully.

"He-he kissed me and a-almost... more." I say, I'm crying so hard I'm surprised I'm not drowning in tears. He hugs my tighter.

"We'll get him back," he says, his voice full of anger. I keep crying for an hour or so until Tobias sighs.

"W-what's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, Tris." He says.


"Tris, I just feel bad that I didn't get there sooner."

"Don't, it's not your fault." We fall asleep in each others arms.

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