Stage 3

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We wake up on the day of the Fear Landscapes. They are going in order of their ranks.

~Time lapse~

The rankings are announced tomorrow. Emily and Keith both had seven fears. I hope they stay in Dauntless, along with the other Dauntless-Borns and Anna.

~Time lapse~

Rankings. I spring out of bed and run into the bathroom.

"Tris? Tris, are you okay? Tris?" Tobias yells nervously.

"Ya, but today is rankings!" I yell bake through the shower water.

"Okay," he says. I finish, brush my teeth, and pick out an outfit. It consists of black skinny jeans, a black and dark purple tank top, and combat boots.

"Okay, let's go!" I shriek when Tobias finishes. We run to the dining room because we are somewhat late. The rankings are about to go up.

1. Emily

2. Keith

3. Nicki

4. Candy

5. Anna

6. Charlie

The rest are transfers, they didn't do very good this year. Yes! They made it! They are all Dauntless! Yes! I think to myself. I burst into tears as the other mothers do, so happy. They pick jobs tomorrow. I run up to the twins and hug them so tight.

"I am so proud of you," I tell them. They smile. I love them with all my heart.

~Time lapse~

The next day Emily picked Dauntless leader, Keith picked Dauntless leader (because they had two spots open this year), Nicki picked tattoo artist, Candy picked piercing artist, Anna picked fashion designer, Charlie opened an electronic store like his father.

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