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Hey Divergents! Sorry I haven't updated, I've been busy with school a d the soccer season just stared! Do any of you play soccer? If you do comment below your position! Btw, Peyton is a boy when you get down there. Thank you so much for the reads! I girl y'all! Please comment and vote!! Read on!!!!!


A few months have passed and initiation is starting today. Tobias and I decided to train the transfers. I wake up and see we have thirty minutes. I tap Tobias on the shoulder and he wakes and we get out bed. I decide to wear a purple V-neck and black skinny jeans. I get black flats and eat some toast.

"You are torturing me," Tobias says, looking at my outfit.

"Sorry, Sweetie, I'm taken." I say, flashing my ring. He pouts and eats his breakfast. We walk to the net hand in hand. I see Candor black and white and a somewhat handsome boy.

"Hello, Sexy." The boy says.

"Sorry, Sweetie, I'm taken." I say, flashing my ring like earlier. "What's your name?" I ask.

"Tony," he says.

"Make the announcement, Four," I say.

"First jumper, Tony!" Four yells, now for my favorite part. The Dauntless come out, yelling and pumping fists. The next initiate falls, Amity.

"What's you're name?" I ask.

"Judy," she says. I send her to stand with Tony. The rest jump and we show them around. We have on six transfers- Two from Amity- Judy and Vincent- Two from Erudite- Carl and Mitch- Two from Candor- Tony and Peyton.

When we get to the dining hall, Tony walks up to me.

"Hey, Sexy," he says, then grabs my butt. I slap him and walk to my table with my food. When I finish I go to throw it away. Tony walks behind me and slides his hand up my pants. I go to kick him but he grabs my leg and picks me up. Then everything goes black.

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