Chapter 20 : Melons And Lesbianism

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The game completely exhausted me. Clark and Ian had to drag me to the nearby juice bar so I wouldn't faint and possibly die. We slipped into the booth and I sighed wearily. We slowl scanned through the menu and I couldn't settle for one juice or smoothie. There were just so many options and my head was spinning already.

"Hello George, Ian and . . . the new boy," the waitress approached us and greeted.

"He's Brownie---"

"Clark," Clark interjected as if he expected me to say something stupid.

"Oh yes, right. You're already quite popular around the town. I can see why," the waitress that was Kelly said and gazed lovingly at him. Our town was pretty small so any news especially about a hot nerdy guy moving in would spread like wildfire.

Clark didn't say anything and he looked down to browse through the menu. I smiled at Kelly and I clearly didn't miss her excess amount of cleavage exposed. Her breasts looked two perfect, round mounds which couldn't go unnoticed through her flimsy, white shirt. Her shirt's top three buttons were unbuttoned and when she bent down to arrange the plates, oh my, I was jealous of her.

I felt like a little pervert staring inappropriately and before I could process anything, I pointed at her breasts and commented, "Nice melons."

Kelly just cleared her throat and Ian's jaws dropped at my comment. Ian apologised sweetly, "No, no, she didn't mean that."

Clark who was oblivious to the entire situation looked up from the menu and his eyebrows knotted in confusion. He frowned at Ian and said to Kelly, "Melons are nice, I would like a melon juice."

Kelly's eyes widened and I burst out laughing. "Oh my God, Brownie . . . you . . . "

Kelly quietly wrote down the order that Ian said for me too and went away. Ian shook his head in dismay and Clark looked puzzled. I clutched my stomach and laughed like a lunatic.

"What?" Clark asked, his eyes clueless.

"Nothing, you idiot. When I said 'nice melons,' I meant Kelly's boobs," I explained and he looked horrified. Just as he glared at me coldly, I put on a goofy grin.

* * *

"How's melon juice, huh?" I jibed at Clark as I took a sip of my own strawberry smoothie.

He ignored me and continued to talk to Ian about business. I looked at Kelly who was tiredly leaning against the counter. There was no rush or as a matter of fact, only few people were hanging around. Kelly's shirt was now buttoned up because of my snarky comment and I immediately felt guilty.

"I just . . . I'm going to apologise to Kelly," I said softly to Clark and Ian and they both nodded in understanding.

I went to Kelly and she scoffed when she saw me. She was about to leave, but I grabbed her arm.

"What do you want now George?" she asked while trying less to conceal the irritation in her voice.

"Look, I just want to apologise to you---"

"The great, popular Georgia Brooks is apologising to me? What happened suddenly? Did the sun rise from the east?"

"The sun does rises from the east, but that's not the point here anyway. I'm really sorry for sort of making you feel uncomfortable. It was actually a compliment, you do have good boobs though," I almost whispered and she stared at me weirdly.

My eyebrows rose high up when suddenly she leaned towards me. Before I could back away, she firmly cupped my cheeks and her lips crashed to mine. What was with people and no consent these days!

I froze. I absolutely didn't know what to do as I stood rigid in front of her. She kissed me passionately and I felt tears running down her cheeks. When she realized I didn't kiss her back, she pulled away hesitantly.

"Erm why didn't you---"

"I'm so sorry Kelly, but I'm not a lesbian or a bisexual," I said meekly when I noticed how my statement affected her. Her face fell.

"Oh. Oh, yes . . . I just thought you were since you're such a tomboy and the way you looked at my breasts suggestively. Not only erm today, but you always wink and flirt with me. I thought you liked me like I do. I kind of love you," she rambled and I gawked at her. How could she love me? Oh fudge!

"I flirt with anyone and everyone who bring me food. It's a way to thank them. I'm sorry Kelly for giving you the wrong idea, I really didn't think you would love me," I said in a shaky, timid voice because she looked so woebegone and crestfallen.

Tears were still rolling down her rosy cheeks and she shook her head. She laughed humourlessly and croaked, "God, I don't know why I'm crying. I'm so embarrassed---"

"No, no it's okay," I tried to console her.

"I still haven't come out of my little closet and I kept denying that I was a homo, you know? My parents are Catholic and very orthodox . . . I don't know . . . "

I hugged her and said, "If you want any support, call me okay? I'll be there really."

"Thank you," she said half-heartedly and smiled. I patted her shoulder in encouragement as she went away.

I turned around only to be surrounded by stares of the people around. I shouted, "Show's over jobless dimwits!"

Among the spectators were two very familiar people, Clark and Ian. They gazed at me like I had swallowed a fly, digested it and pooped it out right in front of them. I merely shrugged and slipped into our booth. When I saw Kelly staring at me, I waved at her. She laughed a bit cheerfully now and waved back.

"What's going on?" Ian asked in amusement and Clark just stared at me, expecting an answer to my kiss with Kelly.

"A girl kissed me, big deal!" I exclaimed feigning enthusiasm and rolled my eyes. Ian chuckled, but Clark continued to stare at me.

It was a big deal to me though since I never thought I would do that. I made a mental note to myself of adding this kiss with a girl to my 'outageous wild stuff I had done in my life' list. The list was already really long- the only thing I could be proud of.

Ian excused himself for picking up an important call and went away. I grinned and stooped towards Clark until our noses touched each other's. I whispered, "She was a good kisser."

"As good as me?" he asked hoarsely and cocked his head.

"Oh yeah. Of course, definitely," I lied and he smirked faintly.

"Think again," he whispered back and his lips brushed mine- soft, warm and inviting. I was already panting and he bit my lip for entrance. My eyes shut in it's own accord as I parted my lips and he thrust his tongue ever so passionately which made this familiar fuzzy feeling arise in my stomach.

He broke away within minutes as I tugged at the collar of his shirt longingly. "Who's a better kisser now?"

"You," I admitted absently and smacked myself mentally for giving in so easily. I was so caught up in the moment that I kissed him first this time.

I moved my lips in rhythm with his and I felt him smile against my lips. My eyes fluttered open and I noticed his charming smile. He looked genuinely happy and I knew at that moment, I could keep on kissing him forever if that made him happy.

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