Chapter 30 : Come And Get Me

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Clark and Ian took me for sight seeing almost immediately after we arrived in London. Clark seemed bored obviously, not concealing his apathy and Ian tried to look interested when I gushed about little things. They were raised in London so of course I didn't expect them to share my enthusiasm, especially not the uptight Clark.

We were now around Buckingham palace, the home of the British king and queen. Clark was just standing and he scowled when Ian went to click a picture of him. I was standing a little away from Clark and the moment I saw Ian click a picture, I ran from behind and pounced on Clark's back. He staggered a little from my weight as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist tightly. I then pinched his cheeks and at that very moment, Ian clicked another picture.

Ian chuckled when Clark tried to brush me off, but I clinged to him like a furry, cuddly monkey. All the tourists around us laughed and then Clark somehow managed to swiftly throw me on the ground. I recovered soon from the impact of the hard ground against my butt.

"Show me the picture," I insisted as I trailed behind Ian who had the camera.

"Aww, this is adorable," I cooed, snatching the camera from Ian. "Look how red Brownie turned when I pulled his cheeks."

Suddenly, the camera disappeared from my hands. I narrowed my eyes at Clark who was about to delete the picture.

"Don't you dare!" I gasped. "Or else . . . I'll tell everyone about Tommy."

He froze and slowly gazed at me, burning me with his sharp eyes. His finger lingered over the delete option, but not pressing it. I could see how this threat always affected him. The agonizing expression on his face and his strained features always made me laugh. He hesitantly tossed me the camera as I caught it in time. Good that I named his bomb.

"Who's Tommy?" Ian asked curiously and I handed him the camera.

"Tommy's very small---"

"Georgia, Tommy's actually not small," Clark interjected, taking me by surprise.

"Oh really? Then enlighten me." I grinned smugly at him.

"Tommy's really huge and long. You haven't seen Tommy yet," Clark said huskily when I gulped nervously.

"I would love too then," I said boldly.

"Me too," Ian innocently added in our conversation and I burst out laughing.

"Believe me, you wouldn't be interested," I said and clutched my stomach as I continued to laugh. "Would you like to show Tommy to Ian, Brownie?"

Clark scoffed and Ian just smiled amusingly, oblivious of the entire situation.

"But who is Tommy?" Ian asked again and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Tommy can be our secret child or anybody or any huge thing," I said suggestively and nudged Clark.

Clark glared at me and stated in a low voice, "Enough for today."

"Yeah, I'm tired after all the travelling. My ass demands to sit in a nice, warm bubble bath." I sighed tiredly and Ian chuckled.

All three of us sat in the Mercedes and Clark drove at a normal pace. Ian sat in the passenger seat because I insisted to sit in the back seat so I could stretch my legs which were hurting awfully. I leaned against the seat and shut my eyes.

I didn't realize that I had dozed off, until I felt like someone was carrying me. My eyes fluttered open and met with Clark's jaw which was clenched. We both were now in our room apparently as I took in my surroundings. I realized that I was being carried by him in bridal style all the way till here and my cheeks flamed.

"Thank you for the lift." I did a thumbs up at Clark who's eyes bore down at me.

He stared at me for a while as I uncomfortably squirmed in his arms. As much as my lazy self appreciated his help, I wanted to be on my feet now. Suddenly, he strode towards my bed and roughly threw me.

"Hey! Couldn't you continue being nice?" I whined and he rolled his eyes. "Why did you carry me? You could have just woke me up, you know?

"Ian didn't want me to wake you up. So I was planning to leave you in the car, but then who wants to dirty a Mercedes with your drool?" he mocked me and I glowered at him.

I was expecting some cheesy romantic sentence, but this was Clark who we were talking about. Of course, he wouldn't care about me much, would he?

"Fine, now go away! I need a nice, long bath," I shouted, but he continued to text in his phone. "Would you like to join me in the bath, Brownie?"

He looked up from his phone and shrugged casually. "I have a meeting unlike some jobless, annoying people."

"Chill dude! However, my vacations are going on. So I have all the rights in the world to be jobless," I reasoned out. "Anyway, you have a meeting?"

He nodded and continued to text.

"Now?" I asked again. "It's night already."

"I didn't know that, thank you very much. I thought it was morning," he said sarcastically, not sparing me a glance.

"Your welcome. Now, go away. Shoo," I brushed him off and he simply exited my bedroom. I lazily walked in the bathroom and stripped out of my sweaty clothes. Clark had already informed the staff to prepare a nice, warm bubble bath for me. I was not disappointed as I sat in the bath tub and started singing some random advertisement songs loudly.

More than forty five minutes passed and I still didn't want to get up. My hands turned pruney, but I didn't care. At that moment, I heard a knock on the door and I groaned.

"Are you dead already?" I heard Clark's voice, laced with fake worry.

"Even if I was dead, I'll haunt you all your life," I yelled back and I could mentally picture him looking weary and impatient. "Your meeting got over?"

"It's been almost an hour since you went in there so yes. Now, get out."

"Come and get me," I said seductively, testing his limits.

"Don't test me, I'll come in," he promised staunchly and the firmness in his tone conveyed that he could even break the door if he wanted to. And of course, pay for it later.

"No! I was kidding, you dumb . . . dumb!" I needed to think of more colourful words to use against him.

His voice came like a command, "Ian and I are in the restaurant, join us in less than ten minutes."

"Okay, captain!" When I heard him leave, I got up from the tub and wiped myself with a thick towel. I searched for the robe which was kept in and then remembered how I had used the robe to clean soda which I had accidentally spilled all over the expensive carpet in the morning. I glanced at the wrinkled up, stained robe near the bin and sighed.

I wrapped the small towel around me and stepped out of the bathroom gingerly. I closed the bathroom door and then I heard someone clearing their throat. I whirled around and saw Clark in the dark bedroom, sprawled over my bed and looking up from his phone as he switched the lights on.


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