Where Did Aurora Go?

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Aurora POV
Me, Brian, Dom and Mia have just escaped the safehouse we were staying in before Hobbs team found us.
" Guys we need to split up, its too dangerous to stay together",  Dom said
"No Dom please we need to stay together, its important " Mia said,
"If it makes you feel better then we will stay together" Dom said,
" I have to tell you all" Mia said,
"What is it Mia?, you can tell us we will be there for you no matter what", I said taking hold of her hand
" I'm ..I'm Pregnant", she said
I was so shocked I could tell Dom and Brian were too
"Your Pregnant, I'm going to be a dad", Brian said being the first to break the silence.
I squealed and hugged Mia.
" I'm so happy for you both and going to be like an Aunt, not just the Auntie the best Auntie. I am going to spoil her/him so much" I said.
"Of course you will your like my sister" Mia said laughing happily.
" Guys this calls for a group hug",I said while pulling everyone in.
We all group hugged while Dom said
" This family just got bigger". We all laughed and forgot about the police being after us.

Time Skip to the Warehouse
We decided that we needed a team to help us.
We called everyone Gisele, Tej, Han, Roman, Leo and Santos.
They all left to get everything ready for the Heist.
Mia was going to the shop to get some food.
"Guys, I am going to stay here, I am going to fix my car." I said
"Okay Baby Girl", Dom said.
After the all left, I packed all my stuff and left a note saying
" That was the last time you will ever see or hear from Aurora"
Its true they won't see me or find me until I want them to.

A/N For the readers where do you you think she has gone? What is she up to? What do you think she means by "until I want them to"
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