Han's Funeral

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Amelia POV
Me and Deck were in his car at the funeral.
"I am gonna go and watch them, then I will be back", I said
"Ok baby girl, don't be seen", Deck said while kissing my cheek.
I walked towards a tree near the car I could see them all talking.

We were all talking at the funeral
"I can't do no more funerals."Roman said
"First Han. Now Hobbs is laid up, of all people." Tej said.
That was when I saw her in a black dress making her way back to a car, I nudged the other before I followed.  "We're being hunted."Tej said
"You know he's out there somewhere watching, right'?", Tej said
"I hope so. Means he's close.", Brian said
"Just promise me, Brian, no more funerals.", Roman said
"Just one more. His.", Brian said.
Then I got in my car and chased after him

Amelia POV
Torreto was chasing us.
"Deck, this isn't going to end well is it?", I said nervous.
"No sis it won't, put that helmet on, keep your seatbelt on and don't get out of the car until I say" Deck said
"Of course I will do what ever you say I trust you with my life.", I said.
They were face to face, both revving their cars and then they both sped and crashed.
"Ow, my neck", I said while taking the helmet off  rubbing my neck.
Deck clicks his neck.
They both got out the car.
"You never should have messed with a man's family." Deck said
I could tell that Torreto was watching me.
"I told your brother the same thing.", Torreto said
"Reinforced your chassis. Ifs like going into a ring with weighted gloves."
"Your mistake. I'm not here to play games.
"Neither am I", I said while getting out the car bringing both men's attention to me. I could sense Torretos eyes going up and down my body .
"See, you and me, we're from different worlds. Trust me, I've seen a lot meaner streets than the ones you're used to.", Deck said
"You have no idea who your dealing with, my brother was one thing we're another", I said stepping next to Deck
"Stick around. It's gonna get a lot meaner.", Torreto said angry
"You thought this was gonna be a street fight'?", Deck said while pulling a gun him.
Then Mr nobody and his team raided while me and Deck escaped.
One thing I realised from that how did I run in heels without getting caught or tripping.
Finally we were safe.

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