Who is she really? and How do we find her?

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A/N sorry I haven't updated for a while. I have been busy with school hope you enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes

We have just caught Shaw after chasing him in London while he was in a tank.
"Hey, Toretto!"Hobbs shouted,
We all walked up to Shaw.
"You guys really think you've won. This code you live by, it's the very reason why you weren't even in the game. I told you exactly what I was gonna do if you didn't walk away, Toretto. Go! But you didn't listen. I told you I can reach out and break you whenever I want. And I have. Come on. Go. No!
Maybe you should call Mia."
"Let me go!"
So, this is how it's gonna go down. You're gonna cut me loose from these cuffs, you're gonna hand me the chip, I'm gonna walk out of here and you're not gonna follow"
"Leave it Shaw" I said
"Sorry Torreto, I am answering this call , you might all want to listen I will put it on speaker for your benefit"
"Fine but this better be worth it", Hobbs said
"Oh it will", Shaw said before answering the call
"Hello Owen, What the hell do you think you are doing?"
"Nice to speak to you too sis",
"Wait a minute it's her", said Hobbs shocked.
"Stop joking around, this is serious"
"Don't reveal anything on the phone, I'm arrested and all Torreto's crew and Hobbs can hear this"
"I'm not stupid i know exactly where you are, do not boss me around"
(In the background)
"Queenie, who are you speaking to said an unknown deep British voice
"It's Owen, he's in trouble again",
"Well he needs to learn to solve his own problems, come on Baby Girl, come and let's go share your ice cream with me your favourite brother"
Chuckles " I will in a min, go wait for me"
"While your having fun, I am stuck here" Owen spat
"It's your own fault, just like when we were kids. For your information me and Deck have been on a mission even ask Hobbs he saw me, anyway knowing you you will find a way out of this, so good luck I will see you soon.
" Bye Big Sis, love you"
"See i told you that this phone call will benefit you, that was my older sister Amelia, as you may know as Amber or  Aurora"
"Where is she?, I won't let you do anything to Aurora" I spat angrily.
"You still don't get it" he said while laughing.
"Get what"
"Come on someone must get it, I'm sure Hobbs knows"
NATO COMMANDER: You must be joking.
"Look at his face. Ask him if I'm joking. "
"One hostage does not outweigh the threat to millions."
I'm sorry, but this changes nothing.
"It changes everything. You tell your men to stand down."
Stand down.
HOBBS: Toretto, I need you to know, the moment we let him walk out that door with that chip, words like "amnesty" and "pardon" walk outwith him.
"Those words went out the day we were born."
"Coming, babe?"
Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
SHAW: Like I said, you were never in the game. If I see you on the horizon, I'll make the call and the girl's dead
Then he left.
"We need to find Amelia, wherever she is", Hobbs said
"She said she would see Shaw soon maybe she is helping him with whatever he is doing next", Letty said
"We will have to wait and hope that she is", I said

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