Where Did Amber Stevens Go?

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A/N here is the next update you have been waiting for.  Enjoy
Just to let you know I can't write fight scenes.
Amber POV
I was with Hobbs and Elena. We had just found the location of Torreto's crew and we were going to take them down and arrest them.
"Elena, go and get the team ready and make sure all the weapons are ready", Luke said.
I have known Hobbs since I was younger he trained me to improve my street fighting skills and marital arts.
Although they are aready at a very high standard.
Elena nodded and walked away not before winking at me.
I silently laughed, if I laughed loudly. Hobbs would think I was a madwoman not that he doesn't already think that.
His favourite saying is " Woman, you need to stop being a madwoman, you may be able to beat me in a fight but if you don't you will regret it". He never does anything he always jokes with me. The whole team thinks that he has a crush on me, I think it's nonsense we are just friends.
"Amber you need to be careful on this trip, I don't want you to get hurt", he says.
"Ahh, does Big Boy Hobbs care for me, so cute", I say sarcastically while pinching his cheeks.
He swats my hands away while saying" stop it i'm not joking"
I can tell he is trying not to laugh.
"Come on, let's go" I say trying to get away because he will get me back.
He grabs me and puts me over his shoulder.
" Come on Baby Girl let's go" he says while slapping my butt.
" HEY, don't do that, you'll drop me"
He bursts at laughing at my reaction.
" Ahh, does Baby Girl not like being carried" he says sarcastically. 
Skip to when the arrive at the races.

Hobbs walks up to Toretto and his 'crew' and starts speaking to Toretto "Hey, Toretto. You're under arrest." "Arrest? I don't feel like I'm under arrest. How about you, Brian?"
" No, not a bit. Not even a little bit."
"Just give it a minute. it'll sink in." BRIAN: "We didn't kill those feds. That was Reyes."
HOBBS: "I don't give a shit. I'm just here to bring in two assholes whose names hit my desk."
"Yeah, that sounds like a real hero."
"That's funny. From a guy who took the oath of a cop, then went against everything it stood for. Or some wannabe tough guy prick who beat a man half to death with a socket wrench. Yeah, real tough. You turn around and put your hands behind your back."
" I don't think so."
"Your mistake is thinking you got a goddamn choice, boy."
"And your mistake? Thinking you're in America. You're a long way from home. This is Brazil."
"Come on, boss. Another day. Come on, H, it's a lot of heat." Wilkes says
"I'll see you soon, Toretto."
"I look forward to it cop."
While everyone is distracted with this Drama I walked off silently to my car and get in and drive away.
I left a note on Hobbs car, he will find it sooner or later."That was the last time you will ever see or hear from Amber"
Too bad he can no longer tag me.
Its true they won't see me or find me until I want them to.
A/N what did you think of this chapter.
Where has Amber gone?

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