Start of Revenge

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A/N hope you enjoyed the last chapter even though it was confusing. Start of Fast and Furious 7

Amelia POV
Me and Deck were at the hospital visiting Owen
Deck was speaking to him,more to himself in my opinion while I stood next to him with my head on his shoulder. 
"They say if you want to glimpse the future, just look behind you. I used to think that was bollocks. But now I realize you can't outrun the past. When we were kids, you'd start fights with the toughest bastards in the yard. But me and Amelia were the ones who had to step in and finish them. Rest now, little brother, while we settle your one last score."
We walked out of the room not before threatening the nurses.
"You take care of our brother. Anything happens to him, I'll come by looking for you."
"Here. Hold this."
We got outside and into his car
"Now let's go and find the team that crippled our brother", I said angry from the state Owen was in.
" of course Baby Girl, let's go", Deck said while kissing me head

Hobbs POV
" You're disappointed, aren't you?"Elena said
"What are you talking about?" I said
"The last arrest. He was too easy. Target didn't even run."
"Ah, it's okay. Gives me a chance to hit the iron. Also lets me work on my stamping skills."
"You're a terrible liar. See you tomorrow, boss.
"I'll see you then."
Don't stay too late."
"I'll stay as long as I want, woman."
"I knew you would say that."
I ran after Elena before she left.
" What's this?"
"It's the letter of recommendation you asked for. Just know I meant every word in there."
"Thanks, Hobbs. Thanks for everything."
"Come on, way too sentimental right now. Get home. Good night."
"Okay. Good night."
I walked into my office and saw a woman at my desk who looked slightly familiar but I couldn't figure it out with a man leaning over her with one hand on her lower back. Probably her boyfriend.

Amelia POV
I knew Hobbs was in the doorway as I heard his footsteps
" Just one sec.", Deck said also knowing he was there
"You sure as hell ain't the IT guy and nether is that girlfriend of yours who is at my desk." I nearly broke out in laughter of how silly the idea was
"So you better start talking before I break that finger six different ways and stick it right where the sun doesn't shine." Hobbs said trying to threaten Deck
"Agent Hobbs, right?"
"That's right. I'm also the last man on Earth whose computer you want to be hacking into. You just earned yourself a dance with the devil, boy. You're under arrest." Yeah right
" Like I said, we're here for the team that crippled our brother."
Hobbs looked so shocked that I was also here as well as how he didn't notice me, I have changed a bit since he last saw me.
Hobbs composed himself" There ain't no goddamn team. It was just one man, and he's standing right in front of you."
"The lady was right. You are a terrible liar."

"Goddamn IT guys."
That stupid chick came back, I fight her, i kneed her in the stomach and slammed her into the wall twice before Deck released the grenade.
"On me!"
We both ducked down.
" Elena!"
They got blown out the window due to Hobbs saving that chick.
We drove off unnoticed to Japan.

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