How I Nearly Got Caught

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A/N the song above I listened to while writing this chapter. I thought it sort of goes well with Amelia's character. You don't have to listen to it if you don't want to. In this chapter you will learn about Amelia's relationship with both her brothers and also she nearly gets caught by one of the others. Who will it be ? Sorry about any mistakes

Amelia POV
After I left Owen's i went to see my twin brother.
Ever since I was little my twin always protected me and never let any boys near me. Still the same now. After Owen was born we both protected him. However as he grew up he always got himself in trouble and me and Deckard have to sort it out.
As we grew up we decided to become black opp agents, I can't remember if Owen became one too. Anyway me and Deckard became too good at what we did and they sent a whole team to kill us. However they failed as we defeated all of them. As we got even more older we all grew apart as Deckard left Owen to his own business "aka causing trouble" while he did important jobs. I am in the middle and I will always help my brothers but I will not get involved, I will help supply items and information but sit on the sidewalk while the plans take action. Enough of the past and on to the present.
Here I was helping Deckard with a job, I know what I said but I sometimes do jobs myself.
"So Boss Lady, you know the plan", Deckard said while showing the famous Shaw smirk.
"Of course Deck, I know what I am doing, you are confronting them while i keep lookout then we leave"
Then we went to our cars.
At the building.
Here I was bored to death, I like action not waiting. If my brother doesn't come I will make him suffer.
"Come on sis let's go"
I ignored him.
" Sis don't give me the cold shoulder, how about next time you get the whole action"
I ran up and hugged him. My silence is brutal. I can hold it for days. However when I hear about action I can't resist.
He chuckles " Let's go, how about I get you your favourite ice cream?"
Even though he is hard and cold with everyone he is always sweet with me.
"Thank you Deck, I know we're both cold people but I still enjoy our brother/sister time"
"So do I sis"
"You know I prefer you to Owen but don't tell him I said that"
"Of course sis, I love you, I won't tell Owen" he said while kissing my nose
We went our separate ways. His to get my ice cream and mine to one of my many houses.
Just as I was about to get in my car I heard someone shout my name.
I looked around it was Hobbs
"Great just what I need"
I ran to my car and sped off, with him chasing me.
I spoke to my earpiece "Hey Deck, I got Hobbs on my trail"
"Don't worry baby girl, lead him on a chase and last minute lose him"
That was what I did.
I went in between cars and dodged in coming traffic.
Car park.
" Baby Girl, get out the car you know what to do"
I slowly got out the car there was a big distance between us I leaned on my car. I waited for him to head towards me. Then I pointed to the laser on his car, as I distracted him I jumped in my car and drove to the warehouse.

Hobbs POV
I saw her, she looked exactly like Aurora. She answered and then drove off. I followed her until she stopped. I knew this was my chance to speak to my Aurora but she tricked me.
I need to find Toretto.
After I got to Toretto's
"Hobbs why are you here for the second time today?"
" I saw her"
"What did she say"
"What did she look like face to face"
I was bombarded with questions from Toretto, Brian and the others .
"It was Amelia Shaw aka Aurora and Amber, she was getting in her car and just before I spoke to her she tricked me. She got away, it's the same woman, she stared at me when I called her name"
"Your saying the girl we thought was Aurora and the girl we thought was Amber was actually Amelia Shaw" Dom said
"Yes that's what it appears to be" I said
"Why would she do that?" Brian questioned
"I don't know but we need to carry on trying to catch Shaw and get Letty back", Dom said
"Maybe on the way we will find the truth about the girl we all loved." I said determined

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