Abu Dhabi

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Amelia POV
Me and Deck had just got off my private jet in Abu Dhabi.
"You okay , sis?", Deck said concerned about me after my breakdown before
" I'm fine I just miss Luke and Sam", I said thinking about how happy I would be when I see them
"Don't worry sis, you can go see Hobbs" he got a death glare off me. "I mean Luke and Sam before we start our fight okay."
"Yeah let's get dressed fancy as we can't go in to the party dressed like this"

We were in Abu Dhabi waiting for Ramsey's friend.

"It's hotter than I thought it would be.",Roman said
"Yeah, well, we are in the desert, so it would be hot.",Tej said
"Oh, no, I ain't talking about the weather. My, my, my.",Roman said
"Hmm. Now, that is a woman that's worth falling out a plane for.", Tej said
"Get out of there, man, I got dibs on that. You've seen me looking at that.",Roman said
"Did you just say "dibs"? What are you, in the fourth grade?",Tej said
"Man, can you just get out of there?",Roman said
"I mean, it's a free market.",Tej said
"What are you talking about? Get out of there.", Roman said
"Rock, paper, scissors for her.",Tej said
"Are you guys for real right now'? Look at you. You both look whupped already. You got stalker eyes.",Letty said
"I tried to call dibs on Ramsey two years ago. Her knee, my balls. Trust me, you don't wanna do that. Hey! Ramsey!",Safar said
"Hello, Safar.",Ramsey
"I see you make some new friends.",Safar
"Yeah, some short-tempered new friends. I need the speed drive I sentyou. Where is it'?",Ramsey
"Oh, good. You will be pleased to know I sold it.",Safar
"You sold it?",Ramsey
"You hear that?",Letty
"I asked you to take care of it. Why on earth would you sell it'?",Ramsey
"We're gonna need it back.",Dom "Impossible.",Safar
"Safar, I stashed something inside it. It's important.",Ramsey
"Okay, okay. Uh, good news. It is safe.",Safar
"And the bad news? It is very safe. I sold it to a Jordanian prince living up there. Trust fund billionaire. Said he wanted to use it for his supercar.",Safar
"Now, see, this? This' I like. Billionaire, supercar...",Roman
"What makes it so super?",Ramsey
"242 miles per hour, top speed. And it's bulletproof.",Safar
"242... Am I the only one aroused right now? It's, like, you know what I'm saying? Whatever.",Roman
"Where does he keep it?",Dom
"In his penthouse. Tower number one.",Safar
"Now, why in the hell would he keep his car in his penthouse?",Tej
"He's a billionaire, my friend.
He can do whatever he wants. Now, tomorrow happens to be the longest day of the year. The prince wants to celebrate it and host a party tomorrow afternoon.",Safar
"So you can get us up there, right'?",Brian
"Sure. But, uh, not dressed like that.",Safar

Amelia POV
Me and Deck were in our party outfits while listening to their conversation and watching them.
Deck came behind me.

"You look beautiful, go stand over there and give me your phone first", Deck said smirking.
"Okay, here you go I want it back."
"Pose for the camera sis", Deck said taking a few pictures
"Wait there for a minute",Deck said smirking while typing on my phone
"What are you doing?", I said getting curious
"Done here you go", he said handing me my phone still smirking
"What have you done?", I said getting worried
"I went the picture to Luke and he knows it's from me don't worry",he said
"WHAT, why did you do that I haven't seen him for ages", i said getting worried
"Come on sis calm down it's fine, you wouldn't have done it I just wanted to show him how beautiful his wife and what he is missing", Deck said comforting me
"Okay well thanks I guess", I said hugging him
"Oh I have a reply", I said nervous yet excited
"It says "Beautiful Baby love you so much, Sam said that she loves the dress and wants to get a purple dress to match you" aww that's so nice of them both"
"See it worked, Luke and Sam are both happy, reply back then we need to go okay."
I replied "Thank you I love you two wonderful people and I miss you so much"

I was staring at Letty in the lift and also thinking about Amelia and his pretty she would have looked if she was here to.
Wait what am I thinking? I love Letty.
"What? Is something wrong?",Letty
"There's a billion things wrong. But not in this moment.",I said
"You look handsome.",Letty
"I feel awkward.",I said
"You and me both.",Letty
"Just seeing you dressed like this just reminds me of something.",I said
"Of what?",Letty
"Old times.",I said
"YOU Okay?", I said
"Yeah. I'm fine.", Letty said

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