Owen Shaw

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A/N I'm sure you were all curious after the last chapter . More will be revealed in this chapter. As you can guess from the chapter title we will meet Owen Shaw. Hope you enjoy  and keep commenting your thoughts and opinions. Sorry about any mistakes

It been a while since Aurora was kidnapped, we thought it was Reyes but it wasn't. The whole crew misses
her, she was one of the best hackers, racers and she always made the team laugh. We will get her back and we will damage who ever took her.

Luke POV
I miss Amber so much she was like a twin sister to me, I was so protective of her. I asked my sergent where she went however there were no traces of her. I will find her no matter what

Masked Racer POV
I just arrived in a empty car park after leaving the races. There he was Owen Shaw.
"I saw you beat Torreto and one of my team members, I'm impressed. Care to reveal yourself" he said while taking steps towards me
Oh how suprised you will be to see me.
I slowly took me mask off and looked at his shocked face
" Hello little brother, how are you I have plenty of information that could aid you", I said with a Shaw smile on my face.
"Long time no see big sis, so Amelia how about we go for a ride back to my Warehouse and we can discuss this information you found out" he said happily
"Of course lead the way", I went to my car and drove after him with my mask back on
However what I didn't know was that my face was caught on camera

Letty POV
I had just got back from the race after being beaten and taking to Torreto.
When two cars shown up.
I knew one was Owens, what shocked me was the other one was the car That beat me and Torreto in the race.

Amelia POV
"Guy this is my big sis, don't go messing with her. They don't call the the Queen of The Streets for nothing.", Owen said.
" So listen up I have been gathering information that will be very useful to you, here you go. I and going to stand over there and take a call if you need me shout me", I said showing I'm a boss who is not to be messed with
I started walking away, but stopped as soon as I heard my name.
"Hey wait up, Masked Woman or what ever they call you, what's your real name", Letty called
"It's Amelia", I said while walking away.
" Okay, listen up. That was a very different breed from Hobbs' usual wannabe warriors. We need to learn who these people are, what they're made of. Vegh? O'Conner, Parker, Pearce, Toretto and the rest of the team. These guys are common criminals. Tonight these common criminals were seconds away from taking us down. Show them the respect they deserve, or it weakens us. You might want to see this. Ring any bells?"
LETTY: Yeah. That's the guy I shot.
SHAW: You look happy.
"I don't remember him."
KLAUS: That's bullshit. We got a problem, guys. We got a picture of her with the guy who almost took you out
"Hey shut up, leave the chick alone, unless you want me to pull the trigger of my gun directed at you, I would keep your mouth closed", I said
SHAW: She doesn't remember him. Names and records aren't enough. I want personal information. Get into their lives, into their minds. Find their weaknesses, and we will exploit them.
"Right now you're finished I am going to make my phone call"
" Hello"
"It's me, i'm with Owen"
" Good Good baby girl as long as your safe how is he?"
" In my opinion he started trouble with one of the baddest boys you can meet, Dom Torreto, I fear he will end up injured even worse dead"
" Just like when we were kids and we both have to finish them of"
" There is nothing I can do, i may be his big sis but he won't listen to me"
" I know baby girl, nothing we can do about it except finish it of. Gotta go, I have a job to do"
"Bye love you"
"Love you too baby girl"

Meanwhile at Doms Warehouse
Hobbs walked in without Riley.
"So Hobbs, why did you need us all here?"
"Well, I have reason to suspect that Shaw has someone powerful supplying him with his information other than Braga, I found this picture"
He showed us a picture it was the woman who I raced and had beat me.
"Hey man, it's that chick who raced you"Brian said
"Damn she looks like a goodess"Roman said
"Hey Hobbs can you zoom in"
As he zoomed in, I was shocked I could tell the others were too.
"It's Aurora" I said the same tone Hobbs said " Amber"
"She was my partner, I trained her she was like my twin sister, I loved her so much and would do anything to  protect her, then she disappeared" he said
" She was a member of our team, best friends with Letty and we all loved her. She also left" I said
"How is it that they look the same, its like they are sisters" Brian said
"It says here her name is Amelia Shaw, she is a Owen Shaws older sister. Very dangerous and was Black ops agent before they tried to kill her as she got too good."
"How is it they look the same?" Tej said
"Well we will have to find out" i said determined to get to the bottom of this.

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