The Fight

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The moment I never wanted to happen, finally came...
Martinus was standing at his locker when Dylan walked up to him.
They left for their last class and then met each other in the field.
"Martinus! You don't have to do this!" I said running over to him, pleading them to stop.
I grabbed Tinus' hand and said, "Can we just go?"
Dylan stated, "Let go of his hand, you're mine now-"
"No," I interrupted, "I don't want to be with you, you're a jerk who fights his way to make people think you're so cool, guess what? You're not! You're just a loser that needs a life!"
Dylan laughed, "You're cute when you're angry."
Before I new it Dylan pushed Martinus to the ground and hit him till Martinus started bleeding.
Tinus rolled over making Dylan fall under him, then he swung at Dylan, hard.
I screamed, terrified at what could happen, "MARTINUS STOP, GET OFF HIM!"
Trying to break them up with my voice wasn't going to work, I grabbed Dylan's arm and pulled Martinus away from him.
Tinus came back swinging and accidentally hit my head.
I fell over, I was bleeding... A lot.

Your P.O.V
My vision was really blurry, but I heard sirens and saw blue and red flashing lights.
I blacked out as soon as a paramedic came to me.
Hearing a voice that was unknown was the scariest thing, because I couldn't move.
Feeling awake but not being able to move was the most terrible feeling ever.
I fell asleep and didn't wake up for hours on end.
The doctors said that I almost fell into a coma.

Martinus' P.O.V
I couldn't believe what just happened. Y/N is in the hospital because of me! She almost went into a coma because of me.
I'm the worst person to ever live. I just wish I could undo it all.
Marcus was the one who saved her, he called the ambulance.

Marcus and Martinus were sitting beside me while I was sleeping.
Minutes passed by and I finally opened my eyes for the first time in almost two days.
Martinus looked up and saw me start to move, he smiled and waved at Marcus to show him my progress.
They both got up and celebrated.
I smiled and giggled, but it hurt too much.
Tinus frowned, "Y/N, I am so sorry and I know you'll want to break up with-"
I interrupted him whispering, "M-Mart-Martinus, it's o-k-kay. I l-ove you."
He retaliated, "Y/N please don't talk, you need rest."
Martinus grabbed my hand, "Y/N! You're so cold." He then walked over to a closet and found five extra blankets. He grabbed them all and layered each one on me.
"Is that better?"
I nodded and fell back asleep.

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