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 After Jordan happily watched her best friend and her father's reunion, she turned toward Jan who held a tray of food

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After Jordan happily watched her best friend and her father's reunion, she turned toward Jan who held a tray of food.

"For breakfast: my specialty, Jan's Hasen-" Jan started to boast when he was cut off by his three visitors.

"Hasenpfeffer and eggs," they said in unison, earning a smile from Jan.

"Yeah I thought I smelt something burning." Gordon joked earning a little nudge from his daughter.

"Like you can do better, Dad."

Jan set the food on the little table and sat down on a chair.

Charlie and Jordan sat next to Gordon on the couch as Jan began to speak.

"I see you've met my new apprentice." Jan chuckled, referring to Charlie.

"What? Charlie, you didn't tell me that." Jordan looked at her best friend who gave her a guilty smile.

"Surprise." Charlie waves his hands as Jordan just rolled her eyes.

"Well Jan told me that you did this job when you were my age." Charlie says to his former coach, taking attention off Jordan's glare.

"That's right." Gordon nods, "I hope he pays you more than he paid me."

"You got paid?" Charlie asks in disbelief, making Jordan giggle.

"Eat everybody, before the Hasenpfeffer gets cold." Jan warns and ends the mini conversation,

"Thank god I don't work here." Jordan spoke earning a smile from all the guys.


"So why didn't you tell me you got a job here?" Jordan asks Charlie as he got ready to leave.

"Didn't think it was that important." Charlie shrugs and starts for the door but Jordan pulls him back.

"Maybe, but we are best friends, we tell each other everything." Jordan reminds him.

Charlie nods in defeat, "Don't worry, I'll tell you everything." He smiles and gives her a hug then leaves.

Jordan walked back to her dad and Jan admiring an old newspaper clipping inside a frame.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" Jordan asks.

"Just noticing how much you and Charlie have really grown up." Her dad chuckled still looking at the picture of Jordan's pee wee hockey team: the Ducks.

"Well duh Dad, I'm almost gonna be 15 soon." Jordan playfully punches his shoulder.

Her dad groans, "Please don't remind me."

"You know, Charlie has spent a lot of time here since his mom got remarried." Jan tells the father and daughter.

"At least it's somewhere familiar, and now that we are back...things can go back to normal." Jordan adds smiling.


Jordan left to go pick up some stuff from the shop when she overheard her dad and Jan's conversation.

Gordon went on about how he missed his chance to go to the NHL and Jordan couldn't help but feel guilty.

Granted, it wasn't her fault but it killed her to see her dad in this state. His injury was the only thing her dad blamed anymore, and it sucked big time.

Jordan kept minding her business and continued to clean up when a man approached her.

"Excuse me but you look like someone." He spoke up.

Jordan raised an eyebrow, "Huh?" She was really confused.

"Are you any way related to Gordon Bombay, Im kind of looking for him." The man asks her.

"Yeah he's my dad." Jordan replies earning a grin from the man.

"Could you perhaps go get him?"

Jordan nods and runs to fetch her dad.

"Um dad there's a customer wanting to see you." Jordan tells him as he was sharpening skates.

Gordon groans then goes over the strange man.

"I'm Don Tibbles, senior V.P Hendrix hockey apparel." The man, Don introduced himself to Gordon and his daughter.

"How's the knee? You know I have a doctor in Los Angeles that I want to look at it. He's doing great things with Baboon Ligaments." Jordan realized that Don kept talking and talking and wouldn't shut up.

"Hendrix hockey, huh? What exactly is it that you want, Mr. Tibbles?" Her father basically asked the question that was roaming in Jordan's head.

"I want you, Gordon." Mr. Tibbles replies immediately,

"Wow, that's not creepy." Jordan says sarcastically while her father was taken aback.

"I want the next coach of Team U.S.A to become a house hold name. I want you to become synonymous with winning, and winning to become synonymous with Hendrix." Don explained, it was a giant mouthful.

Jordan always dreamed of being on Team U.S.A but never got her chance, maybe this was it.

"I've seen what you can do, and definitely what your daughter can do."

"W-wait, you're joking right?" Her dad asks in disbelief.

"It's no joke, this is the real thing Gordon." Mr. Tibbles assured.

"You want me to coach Team U.S.A?" Gordon asks again.

"Like for real, for real?" Jordan asks also,

"Your friend, Jan has been pitching you and your daughter for months. Gordon, what you did with the Ducks was magic and we, and by we I mean Hendrix Hockey, the Junior Goodwill Games, and your country need they magic." This time Mr. Tibbles' words were inspiring not only to Jordan but to her dad as well.

"What do you say, Coach?" Don asks Gordon.

Gordon looks at his daughter, "What do you think, Jordan?"

"I think it's time to go round up the Ducks." Jordan giggled as Jan cleared his throat as a sign of agreement.

"Gordon," Jan stopped in front of them. "Use this." He hands him a duck caller as Jordan claps her hands in excitement.

"I'll go get my stuff!"

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