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 Jordan felt as if she was on air when she skated beside her dad

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Jordan felt as if she was on air when she skated beside her dad. She missed this feeling, she was complete now.

They first stopped at Charlie's apartment since he was always her father's favorite. Even if he didn't want to admit it.

Gordon blew the whistle and Charlie immediately peeked his head out.

"Hey Charlie!" Gordon called.

"Ready to get back on the ice?" Jordan asked smirking which Charlie smiled excitedly at.

Before Jordan knew it she was being dragged by Charlie to go round up the rest of the Ducks. Jordan couldn't wait to see them again.

"So we are for real, going to be Team U.S.A??" He asks Jordan as they skated quickly.

"I still can't believe it!!" She laughs and sped past him.

They first went to a park where they saw their friend Jessie playing. Charlie blew the whistle and Jessie turned around.

"Hey Charlie!" He greets, then saw Jordan and smiled brightly, "Jordan!! You're back!"

"And so are we!!!" Jordan yells back.


Next on their list was Averman who worked at the mall.

"Wow I can't believe your back, Jordan." Jessie smiled.

"It's good to be back where I belong,"

Averman was working his shift at the movie theater when he saw his friends waiting for him.

"Come on loser!!" Jordan jokingly yelled at Averman.

"Yeah let's go!"

"B-but..." Averman hesitated but eventually went with his friends.

Jordan couldn't help but smile brightly cause next was Guy and Connie. Connie was Jordan's best friend in the whole wide world and she couldn't wait to see her.

Unfortunately they ruined a moment for the couple as they were about to kiss which Guy was annoyed at when they were interrupted.

"Cmon let's go!" Connie yelled at her boyfriend who glared at his friends.

"I was this close!!" He sighed, pinching his fingers.

Connie ran to Jordan and they gave each other a big hug.

"I missed you so much!" Jordan gushed.

"I missed you too!" Connie smiled.

Next was the goofball, Goldberg.

Jordan was like a big sister to him, and she cared about him so much.

"Cmon bro let's go!" Jordan yelled through the glass of his family's bakery.

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