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Jordan found herself giggling slightly at a joke Luis tried to tell but ended up giving away the punchline first

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Jordan found herself giggling slightly at a joke Luis tried to tell but ended up giving away the punchline first.

"Sorry, I guess I'm no good at these." Luis admitted with a small blush and Jordan waved the embarrassment off.

She gave a slight wink, "If anything, I found your messing up better than the joke." Jordan licked some ice cream off the spoon, and looked around.

Luis tried to make more conversation but couldn't, he didn't understand why he was so nervous. Jordan wasn't the first girl he ever talked to, but she was the first girl to make him so weird. The fact that she played his favorite sport, and was gorgeous probably helped making him flustered too.

Jordan looked at her watch, "It's getting late, I should get home." Luis stood up as well, sad that the day was ending so soon.

"We should do this again. An actual date, maybe." Jordan offers with a bright, dazzling smile, she couldn't believe what she was saying. She asked Luis Mendoza on a date. With that, Luis just couldn't say no, not that he wanted to either way.

Luis nods, "Definitely, hermosa." He offers his hand nervously, and was taken aback when Jordan placed hers in his and they walked out.

She didn't know why, but the feeling of holding hands with Luis was strange, different than anything else. Jordan never had a boyfriend, because according to her father, "you've got your whole life to find a great guy, so enjoy your youth while you can." And with hockey always being on Jordan's mind, boys were at the very bottom. But Luis was sweet, he treated her nice and was certainly attractive plus he played hockey. Jordan basically hit the jackpot.

She needed to get to know him better of course, but she liked him, and he liked her. Also Connie was giving her hell for not asking him out, she knew Jordan deserved a shot at love.

Jordan leaned a little and placed her head on Luis' shoulder as he blushed mad red but smiled, wondering how the heck he got a gorgeous girl like Jordan to even agree to go on a date with him.

Jordan and Luis naturally sat together the next day when the Coach requested a meeting for the team. Once they arrived, Mr. Tibbles had something covered with a black sheet, making the whole team curious.

"Hey dad, what's behind curtain number one?" Jordan asks with a TV game show host voice and the team chuckled.

Mr. Tibbles grinned for a while then ripped the sheet revealing a Wheaties box with the whole team's picture on it, "Ta-da!!" The man announces and the kids clapped loudly.

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