» four | mickey «

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I swear to god I'm not gay! I don't know what the fuck Gallagher did to me back there, but I for sure am not gay! There's no way in hell that I am! He had the boner first! What am I saying?
I pace back and forth in my room. I just can't believe that this happened to me... I sit on my bed now.
Am I really gay?
No! No, I'm not! My dad will kill me! Tell me, "I didn't raise a fag!"
I sigh as I cover my face with my hands and wipe them down my cheeks. I'm just gonna pretend that shit never happened...
But his-
No. Don't fuckin' go there, Mickey...
Uh-uh. You're straight. You're fuckin' straight.
Maybe I should go bang someone... Maybe Angie. Fuck, I don't know.
I hear a knock on my door,
Mandy comes in, cautious of the fact that I'm in a bad mood,
"Hey, I was gonna ask if you wanted some pizza or something. Maybe go to the store, get a pepperoni sausage?"
Sausage is the last thing I want on my-
"Yeah, sure. Let's go get a fuckin' pizza. Fuck it. Got nothing better to do." I scoff and get up from my bed.
We left the house and we're now riding the train to the closest Walgreens.
Mandy looks over at me, "Гей, ти в порядку?" ("Hey, are you okay?")
When Mandy and I speak Ukrainian to each other, it's because one of us are concerned about one another and want to let the other know that we're there for each other if we need to talk.
"Ні, я не хочу говорити про це." ("No, I don't want to talk about it.")
She nudges me, "Давай, скажи..." ("Come on, tell me...")
I hesitate and look over at her, seeing that she's staring back, waiting for me to spill. She's giving me the look.
I sigh, "Ебать, Менді... Добре. Цей провал лайно в школі..." (Fuck, Mandy... Fine. This dip shit at school...")
She chuckles, "Що він зробив?" ("What did he do?")
We get off the train once it reaches our stop and start to walk to leave the station.
"Намагався викликати деякі проблеми..." ("Tried to cause some problems...")
She stops walking and has me stop as well to face her, "Добре, хто цей хлопець, і чому він вас турбує?" ("Alright, who is this guy and why is he bothering you?")
I bite my lip and look away, "Ian Gallagher..."
"Damn, he's hot!"
I roll my eyes as I clench my jaw and grit my teeth. Why though? The corners of my mouth press down into a scowl and I begin to feel a weird churning feeling in my stomach... Fuck. My mood is getting worse..
"You beat him up or something?"
I snap back to reality and look over at Mandy as we walk up to the doors of Walgreens,
"I wish..."
We walk over to the food section of the store and then to the refrigerated aisle that had a small selection of cold foods and drinks.
"Awe, come on!" Mandy whines.
"They don't have the fuckin' pepperoni and sausage!"
I sigh and look at the choices that are here. Pepperoni, cheese, meat lovers', and supreme, but no fucking pepperoni and sausage? I scoff,
"Meat lovers' then?"
She chews the inside of her cheek and goes up to the door to open it. She gets out a Digiorno's Meat Lovers' pizza,
"I suppose..."

Today the last day I have to see Ian Gallagher's face this week. I have the whole weekend to forget about that gay shit that happened between us and move on. I swear, though, if he gives me a smug ass look, I'll deck him...
I'm sitting at my desk in Algebra, not giving any fucks as to what's going on around me. I seriously don't know what we're doing today, just like any other day. Shit, if you actually think that I, Mickey Milkovich, pay attention in school, you've got another thing comin'... I'm just trying not to think about Ian and how big his di-
Nope. Don't you dare fuckin' think it, bitch. You're not gay!
"Ian and Mickey,"
The fuck??
I look up at my dumbass teacher to find that he was handing a paper to Ian...
Oh fuck.. Today's a partner quiz, isn't it?
I look over at Ian who's looking over at me expectantly. What? He thinks that I'm gonna move to sit next to his ass? Fuck no... That bitch better come to me. I ain't movin'...
"Mickey, can you please go sit next to Ian to take the quiz?" Mr. Fuckface tells me.
I glare at him and cross my arms.
"I'll move, sir..." I soon hear Ian's goody two shoes voice say. I look back at him to see that he was packing his bag, leaving a pencil and calculator out, before coming up to where I sat.
"Move the desk to get closer to me, I'll knock your teeth out..."
Ian just smiles at me like a dumb fuck and sits down in the desk next to me, leaving it at the distance it's already at. He hands me the paper with the mess of equations that I don't understand. I glance over at our teacher to see that he was at his desk on the other side of the room.
"Hey, to be fuckin' honest with you,"
Ian looks up at me with his eyes wide and bugged out. Why the fuck is he looking at me like that?
"I don't know shit about this quiz..." I scoff.
His facial expression deflates to looking disappointed. What did he think I was going to say?
"It's fine... Just copy down what I write."
I nod and stare at his paper, waiting for him to start writing. Though, my eyes drift down towards his... No. What the fuck are you doing Mickey?? I fuckin' looked at his crotch... What's wrong with me?? I try to shake my thoughts as I begin to copy what Ian was writing, but in the back of my mind, as much as I tried not to, the feeling of...
My pencil snaps in my hand and Ian jumps slightly because the snapping sound was loud.
"Shit..." I swear under my breath as I drop the broken pencil that was in my right hand. I turn to Ian who's biting his lip, "You have a pencil I can borrow?"
"Uh... Yeah, sure..." He uncrosses his legs to... Does he have a fuckin' boner?!
My eyes go up to his hand which held a pencil. I then look up at him to find that he was giving me a funny look.
"What?" I ask as I grab the pencil.
He wears a small smirk as he slowly spreads his legs out a bit and leans back in his chair.
I raise my eyebrows and bite my lip... But why? Why am I looking in the first place?? I begin to have a weird feeling in my crotch. It's honestly starting to freak me the fuck out.
I soon hear the sound of Ian dropping his pencil. I look down and watch as he reaches down to grab it. As he came back up, his smirk grew and he was biting his lip. My breathing quickens slightly since he's freaking me out even more. I then watch as his eyes bounce from mine to... My crotch?! My eyebrows knit together as I sit up in my seat,
"The fuck was that look for?!" I accidentally say too loud which causes some of our classmates to look over at us.
Ian's face becomes red and he's no longer giving me the bedroom eyes shit. He clears his throat,
"Uh... Nothing... I was just.. It's nothing..." He crosses his legs again and goes back to working on the quiz.

((UNDER CONSTRUCTION)) Freshman Year (Gallavich fanfic/kinda AU)Where stories live. Discover now