» seven • ian «

820 18 13

"So, did you get the job?"
I look up from my bio homework to see that Fiona's starting dinner. I nod,
"Yeah. The owner, Kash, liked my personality. Said I'd be a good worker."
She smiles and sets the spoon down on the counter before walking around to the dining table where I'm sitting, "That's good! I'm happy for you." She ruffles my hair.
I chuckle slightly as I look back down at the worksheet, "Thanks." I look up at her again, "I'll be able to bring in more money for the family now too."
She nods, "Yep, that's another plus." She then goes back to the stove to continue making spaghetti.
Lip comes downstairs as he scratches the back of his head,
"What are you making?"
I begin to drown their voices out as I go back to doing my homework.
Based on what you saw in the lab today, where is the rat's heart located?
I look over at the diagram picture to the right of the question and see that there are blank lines pointing at different organs. This one is a no-brainer. It's obviously the only organ that looks similar to the other animals'. Ugh.. The rat dissection today was disgusting. Mandy almost threw up. I wouldn't blame her. I sigh and try to focus on the worksheet again.
Locate the stomach.
I scoff and label that and then the rest of the organs it wants me to find. This homework is pointless, honestly. I don't get it. I put the sheet back into my folder when I finish, and my pencil goes back into my pencil bag.
"Dinner's ready!" Fiona announces as she brings plates of spaghetti over to the table. She sets a plate down in front of me and asks, "Where's Debbie and Carl?"
I shrug.
"Go get them, please? Get Liam down here too."
I nod and get up from my seat to go upstairs.
"Debbie! Carl! Food!" I call throughout the hallway as I make my way to Debbie's room where Liam is. Debbie is already holding Liam and hands him to me before racing down the stairs. Carl soon emerges from our room and does the same thing. I chuckle and shake my head in amusement as I look at Liam,
"Let's go eat, yeah?"
Liam just laughs and I go back downstairs with him. I place him in his high chair before going back to my seat to join the rest of the family.
"So, Ian, heard you're getting into something with one of them Milkoviches..."
I nearly choke on my pasta as Lip said that. Did he find out about me and Mickey?! I decide to play along,
"What do you mean?"
"Jake told me he saw you and Mandy flirting in biology today."
A wave of relief washes over me.
"Mandy Milkovich?" Fiona questions, "Wow, Ian, didn't know you were into that... I don't support it, though."
"Why not? Mandy's hot!" Carl chimes in.
"Carl!" Fiona scolds.
I just sit there awkwardly and wait for Lip to say, "Oh yeah, and Mickey too."
"Well, Mandy isn't the only girl he likes, apparently. The other day I walked in on him jerking off to Kailey Anderson!" Lip laughs. I blush. That wasn't the person I was jerking off to...
"Oh my, Ian! Do we need to have the talk or something?" Fiona jokes as she nudges me.
I chuckle nervously, "No, Frank already gave me that talk when I was nine..."
The older members of the table, including me, laugh.
Dinner went on as usual. We talk about our day and our accomplishments: Fiona found a new job, Lip got an A plus on his AP Euro test, Debbie watched Liam today, and Carl got a detention. Fiona wasn't happy about the detention, but it's Carl so it's not as surprising. I didn't really have anything to share. I can't tell them about Mickey possibly being gay. I can't even tell them that I'm gay. When I will tell them is still unknown. Homosexuals aren't really accepted in the south. I'm not saying my family will disown me. I'm just saying that it's already enough that I told Mandy Milkovich about my sexuality. It's different with family. You live with them...
"Hey, are you okay?"
I look up at Lip to see that he's climbing onto his bunk,
"Yeah, why?"
"I dunno... You just seem off." He says as he sits against the wall of his bed.
I shrug, "Nah, I'm fine.."
He scoffs, "It has to be something. What? Is it something about Mandy? Did she not let you fuck her?"
I shake my head, "No, not that. I told you, it's nothing." No way in hell is Lip going to going to find out about my crush (possibly turning to a like) on Mickey Milkovich.
He raises his eyebrows which means he isn't buying it, "Alright, whatever you say, dude. I'm going to bed so goodnight." He begins to go on with getting comfortable in his bed.
"Night, Lip." I look over at where Carl slept. He's sitting on his bed and has heard Lip's suspicions towards me, "Night, Carl."
I get up from my bed to go turn off the light before returning and laying on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling with Mickey Milkovich running in the back of my mind...

((UNDER CONSTRUCTION)) Freshman Year (Gallavich fanfic/kinda AU)Where stories live. Discover now